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Bug Out Camping For Women Preppers
30 July 2012, 09:45, (This post was last modified: 30 July 2012, 09:54 by TOF.)
RE: Bug Out Camping For Women Preppers

Bug_out_Bag has written a sterling report, here’s my take.
Firstly, BoB is a master in torture. Before I knew it I had verbally promised to remain with SUK. She made me eat chocolate, drink beer and after much of both I agreed to stay, though with a much less active role. She made me sign a piece of paper and I’m on a list and everything!
Now that is out of the way, it was great to test our BOBs away from home, where let’s admit it, you can run indoors if you forgot anything.
I have discovered I am no longer young enough to do without a sleeping bag.
I need to add some ready to eat food, maybe more energy bars and some pouches of tuna.
BoB’s little water filter is a very natty piece of kit which is now on the list of things to add to my BOB.
The little hexi stove did a great job. It’s a keeper.
The SHOW and tell of our BOB contents was very interesting. Both of us realised we had some insecurities about certain things and were lacking in other areas.
The comms talk was most informative, although 99% of what BoB was saying missed me by miles, it was great to see what could be done. I will eventually get into this, but as with a lot of things, it’s a case of prioritising and radio comms comes a bit down the list at the moment.
Here are a few photos.

The Braziers provided free of charge at the campsite.

[Image: DSCN0008.jpg]

Breakfast. Local sausages, mushrooms and ham omlette made with dried egg and dehydrated ham. This was the big surprise. It tasted as good as fresh.

[Image: DSCN0009.jpg]


[Image: DSCN0037.jpg]

Chilli and cornbread

[Image: DSCN0039.jpg]

A view

[Image: DSCN0016.jpg]

Our camp.

[Image: DSCN0014.jpg]

Oh, I hang my head in shame. I did not try firestarting without a lighter. I think I now have a phobia.Blush

Sailing away, not close to the wind.Heart

Messages In This Thread
RE: Bug Out Camping For Women Preppers - by TOF - 10 July 2012, 13:37
RE: Bug Out Camping For Women Preppers - by TOF - 30 July 2012, 09:45
RE: Bug Out Camping For Women Preppers - by TOF - 30 July 2012, 17:24
RE: Bug Out Camping For Women Preppers - by TOF - 30 July 2012, 19:55
RE: Bug Out Camping For Women Preppers - by Paul - 1 August 2012, 16:07

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