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to the bigots amongst us
31 July 2012, 10:19, (This post was last modified: 31 July 2012, 12:03 by Nemesis.)
RE: to the bigots amongst us
(26 July 2012, 13:14)Prepper1 Wrote: Its the intolerance that gets my goat.
I'm 43 some members smoke weed some don't, some have never touched drugs in their life, some do other things, whether I agree or not is beside the point, its not my place to point it out in the forum if they print something I don't believe in or care about.
Quite often I read other members posts and think "oh dear that's a load of old shit" or "thats fuc*ing weird" but I don't write it on a post, I just think it to myself, that's called manners, something the world and sometimes this forum is short on.
Older preppers used to encourage younger newer preppers, now they browbeat them into thinking their way or basically slander their posts if they themselves don't believe whats been written.
Preppers are supposed to be different than the sheeple, a cut above the rest, together as a community not like people who should be on jeremy kyle.

Here, Here...I'm almost 40 and was raised with manners. It takes all sorts to make a world and people have different opinions and beliefs on everything and that is their right but to publicly humiliate someone on a forum for having a different way of thinking is damm right rude !
If/when TWAWKI happens I thought us preppers would kinda be on the same wave length? S

Seems some preppers are just out for themselves? This may be fine during the disaster but what happens when communities need built up again...what is going to change? I thought we were going to change the world for the better/ No more fighting, no more badness....If this is how things are going to stay after TSHTF....I think I would rather d i e with the others at the beginning....A world with no peace, no hope AND STILL NO FUTURE...WHAT IS THE POINT???????????????????
Keep your rude remarks to yourself s, bite your tongue and either go to another post or post your differences in a politer way....yes?


Messages In This Thread
to the bigots amongst us - by Prepper1 - 26 July 2012, 12:46
RE: to the bigots amongst us - by Carnebwen - 26 July 2012, 13:03
RE: to the bigots amongst us - by Prepper1 - 26 July 2012, 13:14
RE: to the bigots amongst us - by 00111001 - 26 July 2012, 13:23
RE: to the bigots amongst us - by Prepaday - 31 July 2012, 10:19
RE: to the bigots amongst us - by 00111001 - 26 July 2012, 13:18
RE: to the bigots amongst us - by Carnebwen - 26 July 2012, 13:18
RE: to the bigots amongst us - by Prepper1 - 26 July 2012, 13:30
RE: to the bigots amongst us - by 00111001 - 26 July 2012, 13:34
RE: to the bigots amongst us - by Prepper1 - 26 July 2012, 13:40
RE: to the bigots amongst us - by Lightspeed - 26 July 2012, 13:52
RE: to the bigots amongst us - by Hrusai - 26 July 2012, 13:54
RE: to the bigots amongst us - by 00111001 - 26 July 2012, 13:57
RE: to the bigots amongst us - by Prepper1 - 26 July 2012, 14:01
RE: to the bigots amongst us - by 00111001 - 26 July 2012, 15:17
RE: to the bigots amongst us - by 00111001 - 26 July 2012, 15:42
RE: to the bigots amongst us - by 00111001 - 26 July 2012, 15:59
RE: to the bigots amongst us - by bigpaul - 26 July 2012, 17:04
RE: to the bigots amongst us - by bigpaul - 26 July 2012, 18:53
RE: to the bigots amongst us - by bigpaul - 27 July 2012, 08:48
RE: to the bigots amongst us - by Timelord - 28 July 2012, 01:56
RE: to the bigots amongst us - by Skvez - 28 July 2012, 20:48
RE: to the bigots amongst us - by Hrusai - 29 July 2012, 02:44
RE: to the bigots amongst us - by Prepaday - 31 July 2012, 15:31
RE: to the bigots amongst us - by bigpaul - 31 July 2012, 15:34
RE: to the bigots amongst us - by Prepaday - 31 July 2012, 15:37
RE: to the bigots amongst us - by bigpaul - 31 July 2012, 15:41
RE: to the bigots amongst us - by Juice - 31 July 2012, 22:37
RE: to the bigots amongst us - by Hrusai - 31 July 2012, 22:59
RE: to the bigots amongst us - by Prepaday - 1 August 2012, 11:17
RE: to the bigots amongst us - by Hrusai - 1 August 2012, 11:22

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