if you are lucky and have money in a bank my tip to you all is get your cash out NOW if you can,t hold it in your hands its not yours !
(6 September 2012, 11:13)Prepper1 Wrote: I think tptb are scrabbling at straws at the minute with housing benefit cuts, child benefit cuts, relaxing the planning laws to fuel a building boom as they say. It's strange how they with one hand scrabble to save money by taking back what they give, yet still have these quangos and still give aid to other countries and are still allowing uncontrolled immigration fueling more benefit payouts. Its obvious that if they cut everybodys benefits in half they can have twice as many people on it for the same money but I still cant make sense of the stupid stuff they do. If we're in such dire straights why give out foreign aid? surely that should be stopped immediately and would be more wisely spent in our own country. Immigration of any kind should be immediately stopped, any and all foreigners that refuse to leave after their visas expire and not in work should be immediately imprisoned thereby making them want to go of their own volition and also fueling a building boom of prisons and staff jobs etc. Imprison all the burglars, thieves and general vagabonds that plague our nation, that should be serving jail time with the old fashioned jails of punishment and minimal food like in Victorian times. Jail should be a punishment not a well fed and laughy jokey holiday camp with all your mates. Billy Connolly once said anybody who wants to be a politician should be banned for life from ever holding the position. Should the job of a politician not have to be a mandatory degree course in business management at least?? the fools have no idea about anything they're doing its as obvious as the nose on your face. If I ran a company like politicians run the country I'd have been sacked ages ago.