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El Oucho
27 September 2012, 20:18, (This post was last modified: 27 September 2012, 20:23 by NorthernRaider.)
RE: El Oucho
(27 September 2012, 20:07)Madgirl151 Wrote: Thanks, so if it keeps going the way it is in greece and spain, wont that inflame other countries to kick off since as far as i can tell no one is that far behind them....?

Yes Ma'am it will, These southern European nations are only just surviving because mad bastards like Cameron, Milliband, Brown, Blair, Merkel, Sarkosy, Hollande etc keep pouring BILLIONS of pounds and Euros from northern european nations to keep them going.
Sooner or later they will run out of money to give em or they will decide to stop bailing them out and southern Europe will ignite.}

This will cause a flipping huge economic collapse across the world, and will see millions of starving unemployed Greeks, Portugese, Spaniards etc heading north to France, Germany and Britain in the first wave. This will be followed by a second wave as millions of north Africans and middle easterners flood in through the southern borders and head this way as well.

Naturally the socialists will say " welcome them all, if you dont your a racist" Then its highly likely the north eurpeans will finally revolt and attack the immigrants (and hopefully the socialists).

This week our PM has promised to give £12 billion in foreign aid and £12 Billion for EU membership, he does it with the full support of Labour and the Liberals. £24 Billion pounds he is giving away at the same time as cutting £20 billions pounds from the NHS.

Question for you mon cheri, How many doctors, nurses, teachers, cops and firemen can you buy with £24 billion pounds?
Europe is skint its an undemocratic totalitarian socialst super state who own accountants have refused to sign off its own accounts. being typical lefties and liberals they have been eaerning for example £500 billion a year for the last 30 years, but spending £1000 billion on public schemes. Your three beautiful children already owe the government thousands of pounds each in income tax. All three parties in the UK and the EU have left our kids a legacy of debt and nothing else.

Watcha think will happen when the giros and benefit payment get cut or stopped cos the government has got nowt left. Cameron is actually borrowing money to give away to other countries asnd giving you the bill.


Messages In This Thread
El Oucho - by NorthernRaider - 27 September 2012, 19:13
RE: El Oucho - by Madgirl151 - 27 September 2012, 19:50
RE: El Oucho - by NorthernRaider - 27 September 2012, 20:02
RE: El Oucho - by Madgirl151 - 27 September 2012, 20:07
RE: El Oucho - by NorthernRaider - 27 September 2012, 20:18
RE: El Oucho - by Madgirl151 - 27 September 2012, 20:40
RE: El Oucho - by NorthernRaider - 27 September 2012, 20:51
RE: El Oucho - by Straight Shooter - 27 September 2012, 22:21
RE: El Oucho - by Prepper1 - 28 September 2012, 14:24

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