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Jobless parents who insist on breeding may face losing benefits.
8 October 2012, 14:53,
RE: Jobless parents who insist on breeding may face losing benefits.
(8 October 2012, 14:46)Hexyprep Wrote:
(8 October 2012, 14:38)bigpaul Wrote:
(8 October 2012, 14:33)Hexyprep Wrote: Just to stir a bit.
I agree 100% people who can't afford kids to start with shouldn't have them or shouldn't be paid for by the rest of us!... but... also I know someone who wants to work and infact got a job to support her 3 kids... but being on minimum wage and having her benefits taken away meant she was earning so much less than she was on benefits that she had to quit in order to pay her rent and feed the kids. Her story goes like this: her and her husband decided to have 3 kids when they could aford it... but he died of cancer 9 months after their youngest was born and he only had a small life insurance policy through his work which basically covered the funeral and gave her a little to fall back on. She made the decition to sell their house as the mortgage was too much for her to handle alone. She made a little over £5000 on the house... although she had been on benefits for about 4 months at this point (as the bit of insurance money dried up)when her little one was about 18 months she went back to work. She used the money she made from the house to top up her earnings... but when that money ran out she was unable to make enough to cover basic needs and got behind in rent... after weighing it up and working out how much she would get on benefits she left her job and is now on benefits and recieving enough to live. She volunteers locally a couple hours a week so she has something to put on her CV in the future, but does live off benefits and can't see a way off them right now.
So baring this in mind should she not be entitled to help?
we were talking about people who have NEVER worked and never intend to but continue to have more and more kids all paid for on benefit, we werent talking about people like your friend.

Fair enough... then all I do is agree.

this pains me to say it but i agree with BP AND NR AND ALL, sorry that really hurtExclamation
just read alas Babylon ,so im going to get more salt!!!!

Messages In This Thread
RE: Jobless parents who insist on breeding may face losing benefits. - by Barneyboy - 8 October 2012, 14:53

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