RE: Troops coming back from Iraq...
Funnily enough I was thinking about nuking the middle east myself... Well not myself, I wouldnt want to be branded a terrorist...
Over the years I've gained many American friends and have always found them to be the best, most respectful and decent people you could ever wish to meet, many times on American survival boards, I've been invited over for thanksgiving or just for a few days on the ranges. You really could'nt wish to talk to or meet a more friendly people. Many a time I've contemplated hireing a boat to sail the 3000 miles myself just to say thanks.
I've even had folks welcome me into there survival comunity, you realy couldnt ask for a higher honour.
Like you said SD the people and what they stand for are great, its just a shame the governments trying to destroy the land of the free and the home of the brave.
The weird thing is on one hand the U.S. Government is saying preppers are terrorists, and our own Government too says if you have certain Paladin press material you can be considered as having materials likely to be of use to a terrorist...
Like they cant download there own copies...
But on the other hand the Depatment of homeland security has a preparedness section and activly encouages you to prepare... and wants you to be part of the citizen corps, which basicaly is waht preppers do anyway.
I presume its the free thinkers they dont like, be a prepper but under our watchful gaze, be as prepared as we want you to be, do as I say not as I do...
"Some say the end is near, some say we will see Armageddon soon...
I certainly hope we will, I sure could use a vacation from this silly shit."