Got this snippet and a few more like it into the comments section on todays Mail Online.
Bit of free advertising for us
Survivalists and their later variants " Preppers" are as common in the UK as in the US, there are dozens of forums and groups online just do a google for Survival UK, or Prepping & Survival UK. We are simply taking sensible precautions to ensure our families sdafety and security in an ever more vulnerable world. Infact its exactly what our Grand Parents used to do before Supermarkets came along. Most of our grannies set stuff aside in times of plenty. The government also benefits by not having to keep millions of tons of disaster relief food and fuel supplies because the wiser members of society have taken responsibility for their own safety. Our case was proven last winter when most preppers were unaffected by the prolonged blizzards and storms that left millions struggling. Oh and most of us dont use expensive freeze dried foods either.
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