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Cameron on Standby to Send Warplanes to Gulf
3 November 2012, 00:13,
RE: Cameron on Standby to Send Warplanes to Gulf
As much as I am against any kind of action against Iran, I can see this as being done for a few reasons:

1. We have no where to park our planes. No aircraft carrier.

2. We gain economic influence in the host nation and friendlies in the region.

3. We want to nip in bud any more uprisings.

4. We want Saudi Arabia to buy lots of Euro fighters.

5. We want to have out feet under the table in the region so we can draw America's ear from the whispers of the Isreali's - to promote actual peace in the region, it is not the moderates we have to convince, it is the middle ground of people. As long as they have reason to believe America does exactly what Israel tells it and Britain goes along with it, they will remain unconvinced.

It is a good bit of diplomacy on behalf of the UK.

6. Keep the Strait of Hormuz open should anything happen.

And remember, sometimes you hold on to the shirt tails to pull you along and make your journey easier. Sometimes it is to slow your man in his actions and other times...

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RE: Cameron on Standby to Send Warplanes to Gulf - by BDG - 3 November 2012, 00:13

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