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Read and learn preppers, guns, knives, bows and NYC
4 November 2012, 11:39,
RE: Read and learn preppers, guns, knives, bows and NYC

Ye gods this is getting old. As Tigs said, they were warned. If something like that happened over here, I've no doubt the results would be exactly the same. So why oh why do we have to keep banging on about it, when we know damn well no-one will bother to listen.
I've said it before, I don't see the point in getting bent out of shape over the things out of my control. And frankly, some of you on here are no better than those whining, with your constant govt bashing. Hypocrisy abounds, in one breath, you blame the average Joe Bloggs for being a sheeple and in the next, you question the abililties of the authorities to manage a crisis to help said Joe Bloggs! For goodness sake make up your minds or even better, stop politicking and get back to prepping related topics!

Sailing away, not close to the wind.Heart

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RE: Read and learn preppers, guns, knives, bows and NYC - by TOF - 4 November 2012, 11:39

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