I have lived in a converted van for over a decade and loved every minute. The van has sadly passed away to the great scrapyard in the sky and we have been forced to be a little more imaginative with our accommodation (I couldn't go back to living in a house). We will be moving into a caravan in the new year once I have made it habitable.
My dream would be to find a small parcel of land off the beaten track and build a low impact round house like the ones built by
Tony Wrench or
Simon Dale. It would be heated with a
Rocket Mass Heater. I would collect my own water and contert all waste into valuable resources. I would grow/forage/hunt/gather my own food, brew my own beer, generate my own energy and generally be less of a burden on others. I would like to engineer my life in such a way that a good percentage of shtf situations would not actually impact on my way of life.
My main concern is healthcare so I may have to earn enough money to to have some sort of health fund or insurance.
If I were to achieve all this the last thing I would do is shout about it to the media