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Documentary about man living self sufficiently - Leeds festival
15 November 2012, 00:33,
RE: Documentary about man living self sufficiently - Leeds festival
NR is right about what he says about eastern europe. I have a house in Bulgaria, in the country,and lived there for around
14 months, loved it and the life style is simple, hard going but rewarding. we had pigs chickens goats, learnt how to raise slaughter and preserve them,there is no waste in there way of living,snails, nettles on waste land,all fresh water fish, are all good eating. wine made in 45 gallon drums without yeast, rakia distilled by ourselves by the gallon flavoured by barks from differant trees. when i was repairing a barn roof we got permission of the local mayor to cut down some trees from the local village woods to fashon into roof trusses. houses are made of stone for the first floor topped in hand made bricks made from clay/mud,straw and hair and left to bake in the sun for the second floor. you can hunt wild bore, (keeping there young to raise at home) there is so much i learned while i lived there. And when the shtf i hope we can live the same here.
But the villages do have sattilite tv, (for the winter months) cell phones, and internet connection.along with cars. but these things are looked at as luxurys, tv for news, cars are only used for market days and trips to the city. evrey day transport is a horse and cart, they have tractors but why use fuel when a plough can be used with a horse. heating and cooking is wood burning stoves, lighting is oil lamps mainly so to minimise electric bills. sanitation in hand dug pits,soakaways for dark water, to save on water bills (on meters) we all have wells in gardens, along with concreate tanks to store rainwater, hot water for washing is done with solar tanks.
Sorry babbling a lot, but there is an alternitive way for us all to live, the only problem is sheeple and the goverment.

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RE: Documentary about man living self sufficiently - Leeds festival - by Bjm - 15 November 2012, 00:33

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