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Practice your situational awareness.
29 December 2011, 20:23,
Practice your situational awareness.
Hello there fellow infidels...Big Grin

The aim of this exercise is to raise the level of your awareness.
What do I mean?
well, when your driving your car frequently look in your rear view mirror and side mirrors at the traffic and people behind and around you, following cars, parked cars, vans people hanging about etc.
Has there been a particular car behind you for a while? Ahah!! Mi5, Cool FBI, gang bangers...maybe nobody just coincidence... Dodgy take the next turning, still following? turn again, still following or not? action time!! From personal experience AND training, if somebody follows you turn for turn three times or more its time to be suspicious and time to take action!!! Dodgy
First things first, when travelling to the same place such as a place of work, vary your route from day to day if you can.
If not dont worry, just try too amplify your awareness of whats going on around you, it gains you extra time to respond to the situation.
The thinking behind situational awareness is just that, it gains you time, time to react, to a car following you, to a terrorist at the road side with an overly stuffed rucksack (but with the new information about white terror cells, they could look like B.P. in combats with a rucksackTongue) with protruding you time to think what to do, so you react in a calm way, not rushed or panicked which leads to mistakes, and possibly your death. Whether on foot patrol or in a vehicle, heightened situational awareness gains you vital seconds advance warning to react before your enemy reacts to you. After the three or more turns with cars following you, the time to act is right.
The choice on what to do is ultimatly up to you but in high stress combat situations, this would involve making possibly one more turn, then if the vehicle still follows, de camping with weapons pointed at the following vehicle, the rest depends on what the following car then does.
In civilian life slow down, allowing the vehicle adequate time to pass, if they dont pass, pull over in a safe place to see if they pass or stop behind you. do this twice, if on the second time they stop again its time for action, again measure your response, turn off your engine lock your doors and wait for a reaction, If you have your mobile on you dial 999 but dont press send unless they attack, if they drive off alls well and safe for you to move off after a few minutes.
Now coincidence is a very strange thing, 2+2 usualy equals 4, but sometimes it can equal 22... Not in reality but your brain thinks it does.
Now during combat, lines get blurred but during civvy life if you screech to a holt and point your crossbow at ethel whoes just lost behind you and panics and stops every time you stop, that'll not go down well with plod...
You see whilst the folowing vehicle may be bad guys, it could also be a housewife on her way to ballet (or ethel on her way to bridge) with the kids whos lost and is just following you because she thinks your lost too and she thinks you know where your going...
So again be aware of who's in the following car. If it looks like a mummy battering two kids in the back seat, be aware but not as aware as if it were two beefy men in dark glasses...Big Grin
This doesnt apply if your doing your moptorcycle test by the way, as the instructor follows you, so dont decamp and shoot him, at the very least you'll fail your test...Big Grin
"Some say the end is near, some say we will see Armageddon soon...
I certainly hope we will, I sure could use a vacation from this silly shit."

Messages In This Thread
Practice your situational awareness. - by mikebratcher69 - 29 December 2011, 20:23
RE: Practice your situational awareness. - by bigpaul - 30 December 2011, 10:23

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