RE: How to pass on the need to survive !
Thank you very much big Paul, Mr Eames and mikebratcher for your insight and kind words. We have, as a family, being preparing ourselves for the SHTF situation, on a completely subconscious level. For example, this last year we have familiarised ourselves with the location of all edible fruits and nuts within a 1 mile radias of our home-experimenting with jams, preserves and of course Gogo Juice ! We have started to stock up on tinned supplies and dried food (incase of redundancy)We go camping quite often and this last year we experimented with "free" camping and met some very interesting people along the way. For Christmas we started our first of 5 B.O.B's. and thus I now find myself on this forum....thank God.! I do very much understand the need to protect my loved ones and of course I put them first. However I find myself strangely at odds when I contemplate the go away and die someplace else attitude I must adopt in order to protect my own? I'm an ordinary man with Christian family values, love thy neighbour being one of them. I feel I have much work still to do and I believe the place to start is deep down inside me ?
You have to get up early to catch a fox.