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The spectre of 1932
2 January 2012, 14:08,
RE: The spectre of 1932
Gone are the days when you could just 'find' a derelict home and make use of it, unless I'm mistaken the goverment recently made squatting a criminal offence and removed al squatters rights. forcing more people onto the streets and on to goverment lists by forcing them to claim benefits.
I know several people who have been using derelict/ abandoned homes and have looked after them well and turned the gardens in to allotments. These people claim no benefits and live of of what they can find or barter.
There's no Justice, There's Just Us.


Messages In This Thread
The spectre of 1932 - by mikebratcher69 - 31 December 2011, 01:24
RE: The spectre of 1932 - by Skean Dhude - 31 December 2011, 02:41
RE: The spectre of 1932 - by Kenneth Eames - 31 December 2011, 06:07
RE: The spectre of 1932 - by Reality Jones - 2 January 2012, 14:08
RE: The spectre of 1932 - by mikebratcher69 - 2 January 2012, 16:42

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