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Account Deletion
15 December 2012, 00:00,
RE: Account Deletion
People come and people go, its often what keeps forums fresh, its never a big thing,... what is bad is threads like this that possible new members see, and deside not to bother because of them, so to anyone out there who is thinking of joining us,.. judge the forum by its contents and not by who comes and goes.

like you SS ^^^^ I am here to the end of the world,..I have too much to learn
A major part of survival is invisibility.

Messages In This Thread
Account Deletion - by The Local Ned - 14 December 2012, 22:48
RE: Account Deletion - by Barneyboy - 14 December 2012, 23:10
RE: Account Deletion - by BeardyMan - 14 December 2012, 23:10
RE: Account Deletion - by Straight Shooter - 14 December 2012, 23:45
RE: Account Deletion - by Highlander - 15 December 2012, 00:00
RE: Account Deletion - by grumpy old man - 15 December 2012, 00:38
RE: Account Deletion - by bigpaul - 15 December 2012, 11:00
RE: Account Deletion - by Skean Dhude - 15 December 2012, 12:12

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