Thats similar to what I do with the news stories I post, just to get you thinking maybe about scenarios, like NR's scenario posts, you know what would I do if oil went throug the roof, what would happen if there was a nuke at the olympics etc...
With the major events we may face, I think our Government would just leave us to fend for ourselves best as we can.
Like Crying freemans article from the Telegraph pointed out, we've adopted the jit system for most major supermarkets etc.
If you go behind the scenes in a supermarket they now differ greatly from years ago.
Years ago supermarkets had almost as much in the wqrehouse as they did on the shop floor, now theres hardly anything back there, Its all computerised stock control now, they cant even order more than the computer says they can use!! With the recent storms in scotland, we were all surprised on here to find out the scottish islanders, who we thought would be prepared ith a few days food storage at least, wernt even living day to day mor like meal to meal from the local shops. BAD IDEA!!! No reserve food, No cooking facilities even simple soda can stoves (I've got bloody loads of them and fuel)The shops would be empty here on the mainland in short order and if for some reason there was an e.m.p. so no transport would be working, the shit realy would hit the fan...
By the way those simple soda can stoves can heat a room as well so two or three scattered around a room make great heaters, make sure you've plenty of fuel for them (methalated spirit available from your local pound shop).
"Some say the end is near, some say we will see Armageddon soon...
I certainly hope we will, I sure could use a vacation from this silly shit."