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Whos up for a meeting this Sunday in the North East area ??
10 February 2013, 00:32,
RE: Whos up for a meeting this Sunday in the North East area ??
(9 February 2013, 22:57)Metroyeti Wrote: How about blaydon? I wouldnt want to drag nr any closer to the necropolis called newcastle :p
I grew up in Blaydon. Honestly, it's a shite place for an RV. 1970's precinct now being "redeveloped" (i.e. probably being made shiter). Pubs have never been any good (we always drank up Winlaton). Better bet would be Swalwell - literally on the motorway junction with a number of old school pubs and if the weather is any good you can take a bimble up the Derwent walk (disused railway line). Love to join you, but personal circumstances (wife and finances) preclude it. Good luck and hope you have a successful meet.
they laugh at us because we're different, we laugh at them because they're all the same

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RE: Whos up for a meeting this Sunday in the North East area ?? - by Ranger - 10 February 2013, 00:32

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