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Whos up for a meeting this Sunday in the North East area ??
12 February 2013, 20:34,
RE: Whos up for a meeting this Sunday in the North East area ??
(11 February 2013, 16:29)RoadWarrior Wrote: NR....ive got a feeling about this Sundays proposed/poss meeting isnt gonna materialise....ideally 5 or more people wud be the number that wud be good as there are afew of us up here ! thought there was another prepper" locally" too? i do wanna meet up , i WILL turn up BUT if anyone who has expressed an interest BUT think this Sunday is too short notice still then let me know ...before Saturday and we can then make other future plans.....thanks.

Sad and unfortunate but not unexpected TBH Sad


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RE: Whos up for a meeting this Sunday in the North East area ?? - by NorthernRaider - 12 February 2013, 20:34

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