RE: Alert: Iran Crisis Headed for World War III
i am very interested in everything everybody posts, i dont reply to all posts especially the posts i have no prior experience of like the Iran ones, i only reply to those posts on which i have a personal opinion. but i do hope that this arguement can be settled in a professional and amicable way and to not degenerate into personal slanging matches like i have had on UKPreppers every time i have put a differing reply, i think we are all adult enough and i would hate to see this forum close just because of personalities. can we please have more threads about pure prepping issues and not whether" Uncle Sam " is going to go to war-yet again, personally i think the American people have had enough of their husbands, brothers, sons coming home in bodybags. NR what about helping some of our younger newer members by reproducing some of your famous lists?? best wishes to EVERYONE on this site, happy new year, and keep up the good work. BP.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.