The second video on the geoengineering watch website is a video taken from a private jet recording a plane that they say is spraying chemicals, at one point the 'spraying' (or whatever) stops, and starts again after a bit. I know the whole point is they could be or are contrails and totally normal.
This article begins with 'Two Harvard engineers are to spray sun-reflecting chemical particles into the atmosphere to artificially cool the planet, using a balloon flying 80,000 feet over Fort Sumner, New Mexico.
The field experiment in solar geoengineering aims to ultimately create a technology to replicate the observed effects of volcanoes that spew sulphates into the stratosphere, using sulphate aerosols to bounce sunlight back to space and decrease the temperature of the Earth.'
So I don't think it's just jumping on the bandwagon to believe that this already happens and for other intentional outcomes but I understand your skepticism.
Some videos I've seen claim to show the relationship (through pictures, videos and - I think - google earth images) of chemtrails and then days later the clouds/storms etc. Of course this can all be circumstantial and not proof of anything, but I think the wealth of videos and articles, interviews and information, that say of course this is happening should be researched for ourselves because I'm not about to accept that it's just a conspiracy just because it's not been publicly admitted.
And then we have all the theories about h.a.a.r.p & weather control as well.