(18 January 2012, 20:47)Scythe13 Wrote: (18 January 2012, 20:41)bigpaul Wrote: i'm not even going to dignify that with a reply, we need a dictatorship like we need a hole in the head, oh silly me! we've already got one-its called The European Union and we pay to be kicked in the balls by it.
We need either a republic, or a BENEVOLENT dictatorship (thought I should specify which).
Bollhocks, there is NO such thing as a benevolent dictatorship, just ask the people of North Korea, they were even made to cry on cue!! we need a revolution, kick out all the illegal immigrants, then empty the prisons, put all the criminals, the drug dealers and the drug takers, up against a wall and shoot them, then we need to form a PEOPLES REPUBLIC. but then i know SD will say we are pissing in the wind and its all in the mind. so thats all i am going to say. the end.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.