RE: A few thoughts on the state of things
im expecting the collapse very soon.
every penny and pound that I have is being spent on things for afterwards.
we live off next to nothing at the moment around 65% of our income gos on prepping stuff. or gardening stuff.
if I get all my projects completed , I might look into investing something somewhere but its unlikely as im pretty certain the collapse isn't too far away.
if it collapsed tonight like it temporarily did in Cyprus, how much would you actually have tied up electronically and lost forever.
people in Cyprus went to bed with one figure in their accounts and woke up with a different one , much lower, and the banks were all closed so they couldn't get at it.
I know your meaning in actually solids, not electronic cash, but its still something that's value can fluctuate rapidly.
like sardo_numpsa says, maybe keep a few gold earings or small coinage. for trading with. but as an investment , not really it would be madness if you really think its likely to crash soon.
if I buy a £1 tin of meat today and the system crashes tomorrow, that £1 tin just got very valuable in less than a few weeks.
what are you planning to trade that gold for after tshtf, food more than likely.
youl need the food more than the gold.
so the one with the food will tell you how much value your gold just lost.
they could demand a solid 22ct krugerand for just a tin of meat.
if your starving what choice you got.
its happened before recently in afrika, 400 dollars for a loaf of bread, and that was only a few years ago.
no matter how much gold you've got in whatever size denominations, the person with the food is gonna demand a hell of a lot. cos the gold isn't no use to them really, but the food is.
personally id rather you do a days work for me for the tin of meat, and you keep the gold.
98% of it, is science, the rest is rainbows - Luci_ferson