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A few thoughts on the state of things
9 April 2013, 15:21,
RE: A few thoughts on the state of things
It all depends on how desperate a person is,... if the person, or group are doing well with a certain feel good factor, then gold and silver might well make a good investment, and so it could become a currency.

If however things are much worse, and people are more desperate, then they are never going to put a gold coin above a can of beans, people who are desperate will put a lot more faith into food or a means of getting food [ fishing rod or trap ] well above a gold coin that would still be in their pocket as they starved, this situation a rabbit snare or line and hook are far more valuable
A major part of survival is invisibility.

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RE: A few thoughts on the state of things - by Highlander - 9 April 2013, 15:21

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