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Crime up again ( but what is omitted)
19 January 2012, 11:31,
RE: Crime up again ( but what is omitted)
I pissed myself laughing at an article I read last year, It was about a neighbourhood watch meeting that was organised for 7pm one night in one of those wonderful, diverse, inclusive multi cultural socialist paradise London boroughs. The cops turned up and a councillor turned up but no residents, When enquiries were made in this beacon example of a cohesive multi cultural community as to why no one turned it it transpired no decent law abidding citizen dared to venture out after dark!!!.

And I loved the reply to a question on a radio talk show about what was the difference between the 1980s Tottenham riots and the riots last August after millions of pounds had been spent and thousands of hours of police and council workers time invested in improving Tottenham. First guy comes on the phone and say " I'll tell you what is different, more crime, more violence, more ethnics, more damage and far less cops around"


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RE: Crime up again ( but what is omitted) - by NorthernRaider - 19 January 2012, 11:31

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