RE: NR is right Move Up Hill!!!!
I'm surprised that you are still teetering on the edge. It is and always has been.
When I first heard of it I thought;
I remember syories from the Victorian age when ythey skated on the Thames. Done that lately?
Then think further back, they grew grapes in the SE and it was pretty much as Southern France is now.
The climate has changed for millions of years, we see a snapshot and think we can see the pattern because we have a yearly cycle round the sun and our planets tilt is now aligned with that. Consider though that in our universes timescales we have been here less than a blink of the eye.
The records are doctored, the lies told and we listen because they are supposed to be experts but consider that you can't get grants to disprove the global warming scam just to support it. Thats your tax grabbing politicians for you.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin