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Family life on benefits
3 February 2012, 12:30,
RE: Family life on benefits

Citizens income is where we all get an income from the state. Everyone with an NI number gets a sum every month to live on. Lets say £14Kpa. However, there are no more benefits. No child allowance, no Job Seekers, no tax credits. This means no army of beaurocrats means testing everyone on salaries of up to £150Kpa. A simple computer program looked after by a very few civil servants making the payments.

This means everyone is looked after no matter what and those that want more to give themselves a better standard of living can go and work. They pay tax on this income. The benefits are, savings because no pen pushers to be paid, well besides the other ones, people don't have their benefits stopped and suffer hardship because the DWP is inept. people no longer need to bring kids into the world to ensure the milk is flowing. In fact it should encourage less from the feckless. Incentives matter, as having a child will reduce your free money and we know many have kids to increase it. There is data available out there on it. I think it is in the manifesto of the Libertarian Party as well. No other party wants it because it does not give them a means to control their voters.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin

Messages In This Thread
Family life on benefits - by Ellen - 2 February 2012, 13:35
RE: Family life on benefits - by Skean Dhude - 2 February 2012, 14:18
RE: Family life on benefits - by Lincolnoldie - 2 February 2012, 20:47
RE: Family life on benefits - by Kenneth Eames - 2 February 2012, 16:08
RE: Family life on benefits - by Carnebwen - 2 February 2012, 22:10
RE: Family life on benefits - by bigpaul - 3 February 2012, 10:52
RE: Family life on benefits - by Skean Dhude - 3 February 2012, 12:30
RE: Family life on benefits - by bigpaul - 3 February 2012, 13:03
RE: Family life on benefits - by Skean Dhude - 3 February 2012, 16:42
RE: Family life on benefits - by Prepared Chick - 4 March 2012, 19:00
RE: Family life on benefits - by NorthernRaider - 4 March 2012, 19:40
RE: Family life on benefits - by bigpaul - 4 March 2012, 19:45
RE: Family life on benefits - by Scythe13 - 4 March 2012, 20:36
RE: Family life on benefits - by Prep Girl - 4 March 2012, 21:18
RE: Family life on benefits - by Scythe13 - 5 March 2012, 09:26
RE: Family life on benefits - by Prep Girl - 5 March 2012, 21:25

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