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Going/Suviving/Escaping Home trilogy(?)
6 February 2014, 23:59,
RE: Going/Suviving/Escaping Home trilogy(?)
I just finished a novel by a well known "survival expert" and found myself skipping page after page of extremely boring detailed explanation of global financial policy.

I bought the book to keep from being bored, not to bore myself into a coma.

He was almost as bad with breaking into the action sequences with detailed analysis of ballistics and the capabilities of various weapons and ammo combinations.

He was so opinionated and WRONG about most of the ballistics it made me wonder how much he really knew about economics!

It brings to mind the fact that most of the great historical writers are not historians, they are literature majors. A historian wants to talk about history, a writer wants to make history come to life.
Every person should view freedom of speech as an essential right.
Without it you can not tell who the idiots are.

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RE: Going/Suviving/Escaping Home trilogy(?) - by Mortblanc - 6 February 2014, 23:59

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