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Another reason to go GRAY and leave the cities
3 March 2012, 13:08,
RE: Another reason to go GRAY and leave the cities
I must have completely missed the build up to this story somehow, *ticks secret trials off the doom checklist*

as for the very inteligent reasoning and logical preppers, I can't speak for any of them, but some of the rest of us either can't see a way out or appear not to have any. I know some people on other forums like to blanket all of us in the cities as idiots but I'm sure we all have our own reasons why we can't move right now.

by the way, many big libraries have big comfy chairs to sit and read in (mine does anyway). I find it's best when I have a spare hour to go and sit and read books (and make notes) rather than take them out.
Do not rush to meet Death, he may not wish to see you.

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RE: Another reason to go GRAY and leave the cities - by preservefreak - 3 March 2012, 13:08

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