(3 March 2012, 13:08)preservefreak Wrote: I must have completely missed the build up to this story somehow, *ticks secret trials off the doom checklist*
as for the very inteligent reasoning and logical preppers, I can't speak for any of them, but some of the rest of us either can't see a way out or appear not to have any. I know some people on other forums like to blanket all of us in the cities as idiots but I'm sure we all have our own reasons why we can't move right now.
by the way, many big libraries have big comfy chairs to sit and read in (mine does anyway). I find it's best when I have a spare hour to go and sit and read books (and make notes) rather than take them out.
PF but you are doing what ever you can working within your own resources and practical limitations, there is a major difference tween you and H, and many others who can not or will not see or accept the problems they face. If more preppers were like you who actually recognise and accept the position they are currently stuck in then they could plan for dealing with the extra problems associated with it.
(3 March 2012, 13:13)mikebratcher69 Wrote: Yup its the same for me.
Wife cant or wont move YET, she likes the city to much.
I have a country side bol not to far away walkable at a push.
drivable by many routes.
Hopefully the job market may improve and I can get a job somewhere countryfied.
Again as I pointed out to PF at least you recognise and accept the extra problems and risks forced onto you and can make plans to deal with those extra burdons, Sadly there are people among us who either cannot or will not see they are just making a rod for their own backs. PG is another one, stuck cos of multiple obligations and needs on the edge of Londonistan, BUT like PF and you she acknowledges the extra risks and problems, understands the extra implications and works as best she can within those limitation to prepare as best she can. And when the circumstances or opportunity arises all will no doubt move some place more suitable / sustainable.
(3 March 2012, 13:29)uks Wrote: Split your shopping up into 2 or 3 shops.
Try not to buy things on-line.
Use cash always.
Different shops, different branchs and different days
if buying online buy small from multiple locations using pay pal, switch or maestro. or hard to trace gift vouchers.
Cash is good but never drawer large amounts out at one time cos that gets registered as well.
Y'know in this Orwellian survielance state we now inhabit you can find yourself getting raided by the police for
(A) using a lot of electricty , cos the power companies report sudden surges in use to the cops incase you are growing canabis farms
(B) If parts of your property appear to be to warm, councils use themal imagery from companies using satelites and aircraft to survey their domains for stuff like illegal extensions or propertys built without planning, but if they see a house or garage or shed looking to warm again they tell the cops cos canabis and meth amph labs generate lots of heat.
You can be innocently growing hot house flowers or chilli peppers and it can lead to herds of cops kicking your front door in.