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17 August 2015, 16:47,
RE: Alone
The first season has nearly completed over here. I will refrain from telling you the final results.

It has been great fun watching the contestants fall out like flies, cry their eyes out from homesickness, crap their pants from fear when a bear appears and generally turn into mush.

The ten co0ntestants were picked from among the writers of internet survival blogs and the moderators of survival and bushcraft forums on the internet. Leaders of the genre, outdoorsmen of merit, masters of the wilderness and teachers of other folk who were stupid enough to listen.

Most of them folded like an origami stork!

Folks like are here, sure they can "bug out" and live rough for a few weeks if they have too.
Every person should view freedom of speech as an essential right.
Without it you can not tell who the idiots are.

Messages In This Thread
Alone - by Scythe13 - 16 August 2015, 16:30
RE: Alone - by River Song - 16 August 2015, 16:50
RE: Alone - by Scythe13 - 16 August 2015, 17:10
RE: Alone - by bigpaul - 16 August 2015, 17:19
RE: Alone - by Barneyboy - 16 August 2015, 18:43
RE: Alone - by River Song - 16 August 2015, 19:03
RE: Alone - by Sunna - 16 August 2015, 19:55
RE: Alone - by Scythe13 - 16 August 2015, 20:37
RE: Alone - by Tigs - 17 August 2015, 07:26
RE: Alone - by Mortblanc - 17 August 2015, 16:47
RE: Alone - by bigpaul - 17 August 2015, 16:56
RE: Alone - by Barneyboy - 17 August 2015, 19:22

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