RE: Govt daft idea of the day (turning off FM radio)
""Which brings me to the question of what you would actually want to transmit to people you don't know.""
Not a lot, certainly not my location, certainly no location they can triangulate onto. perhaps a market place where trade and barter is going on. Some third party location for an RV possibly but as so many people are simply unreliable in issues involving preps I struggle to see any major plus's that are not offset by negatives.
I've recently changed the hailing channels I was using on my UV 5s to keep my local comms in family, I used to advertise my old frequency to other preppers who I was working with but that's no longer needed. On a similar topic I have noticed people on CB 27FM CEPT trading and bartering on some evenings.
LS please forgive me if I'm being silly but isn't 27FM CB erm...... FM ? and 27AM CB .......AM, could we not utilise whats already available if we want to make prepper broadcasts, or do you see a need for a stand alone prepper broadcaster??