RE: Why you should always carry extra fuel, enough to complete your journey
Hi Mary, god to hear from you. Yes, critical spares and emergency provisions will be carried.
NR: I'll be carrying limited ham gear, mainly for local-ish coms. I'm French speaking so local hams will serve as a good information source for me. Also I'll have a receiver with me for MW LW and SW broadcasts. This will definitely pull in BBC and all the usual English language news broadcasters.
Harry, Good idea, but I'll be entering and exiting France from the Italian / Swiss boarder. Plan is to brim tanks and reserves before entering France and to have sufficient + some extra for diversions to get me out again. I've lots of experience of getting past the Revolting French so hopefully they will not get the better of me this time either:-)
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STATUS: Bugged-In at the Bug-Out