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Massive Run On Guns After Obama Annoucement
12 March 2012, 09:46,
RE: Massive Run On Guns After Obama Annoucement
S13 Working backwards, the law strictly limits the amount of ammo you can keep so you cannot have a million rounds.
second as to why we have strict gun laws in the UK goes back to 1917 when the PTB and ruling establishment feared British working class people might have a soviet style revolution, so they started around 1918 slowly but surely taking first guns and radion equipment, but later on just guns offf the public. In the 1950s as the Cold war escallated a Home Sec applied the coupe de grace by annoucing that self defence was no longer a justifiable reason for gun ownership ( course the politicians excluded themselves) they claimed as they always do that it will reduce crime (it doesnt) but all UK gun laws are about CONTROL not crime fighting. Its a cross party scam used by the political classes to stay in power.


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RE: Massive Run On Guns After Obama Annoucement - by NorthernRaider - 12 March 2012, 09:46

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