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Introducing me
30 August 2016, 09:08,
RE: Introducing me
Welcome Ogri, Lightspeed and I are both well into ham radio so any questions just ask away.

First thing to do is get your ham radio Foundation License, its very easy to pass and gets you on air legally.

Messages In This Thread
Introducing me - by Ogri the trog - 29 August 2016, 21:07
RE: Introducing me - by Steve - 30 August 2016, 00:04
RE: Introducing me - by Tigs - 30 August 2016, 07:29
RE: Introducing me - by harrypalmer - 30 August 2016, 09:08
RE: Introducing me - by Skean Dhude - 30 August 2016, 11:10

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