(14 March 2012, 09:42)Scythe13 Wrote: (14 March 2012, 09:35)NorthernRaider Wrote: (B) because of US economic policy, IE Every time the US has major domestic economic problems they like to divert public attenttion onto some foreign bogeyman.
Oddly enough, that is one of the major things that caused the collapse of other super-powers other the last 500 years. The foreign interests of a country growing, along with foreign wars that have no end in site, all coupled with a weakening domestic financial situation.
Looks like America is going the same way as the Russians, Mongolians, Hungarians, Prussians, Romans, and others. The question really is, will America vanish like Prussia or the Persians (as a nation, they've vanished from anything worthwhile), or will the Yanks simply become smaller players in the world game, like Spain and England did when they used to be super powers?
Yup on average every 20 years the Yanks find a new bad guy to hate.
Native Americans, Brits, French, Spanish, Mexicans, Canadians, Germans, Russians, Communists, Japanese,Chinese, Koreans, Maoists,Laotians, Vietnamese,Columbians, Venezualans,Cubans, Iranians, Eyerabs, muslims, The UN, Serbians, Blacks, Hispanics, Protestants, You name it a hickup in US economics usually leads to someone getting attacked.