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invitation to visit my wooden house and learn stuff
26 June 2013, 22:43, (This post was last modified: 26 June 2013, 22:49 by Tarrel.)
RE: invitation to visit my wooden house and learn stuff
As we stand here amidst the rubble of the financial crisis, with more shocks just over the horizon, we're going to have to come up with some alternatives to the "old" economy, which is clearly screwed. Maybe the "work, share and learn" approach that the OP suggests is one of them.

The planning system here is clearly not geared to encouraging self-reliance or home-steading. It's not as bad as some parts of the US, where you can't even hang your washing on the line, FFS. But it's bad enough and I can fully understand people trying to fly under the radar.

Hey Matt, cold comfort, I know, but you should have moved to the Highlands. You could have converted your woodland into a Woodland Croft. Still would have needed planning consent, but there is an implicit acceptance that crofters need to live on their land.

Matt, ever thought of making charcoal? Ben Law (the Channel 4 "Grand Designs" guy who built a roundwood-framed straw-bale house) battled with the planners for 10 years to get permission to build in his woods. He eventually won by pointing to his charcoal-making operation. His argument was that a charcoal-burn takes 36 hours, and needs to be supervised continually during that time. I've just finished his book; "The Woodland Way". Definitely worth a read.

Good luck.

Find a resilient place and way to live, then sit back and watch a momentous period in history unfold.

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RE: invitation to visit my wooden house and learn stuff - by Tarrel - 26 June 2013, 22:43

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