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greetings from Lancashire
16 November 2012, 06:19,
RE: greetings from Lancashire
welcome dude, plenty of friendly people round here, ask lots of questions Smile and learn lots too

good to have the OH onboard with prepping, will make life alot easier Smile
16 November 2012, 07:39,
RE: greetings from Lancashire
hello and welcome
16 November 2012, 13:21,
RE: greetings from Lancashire
thanks for all the welcomes

Just a bit more about us.......

live in a two bed terrace and whilst we are in a town we are relatively close to the edge of it (a 15 min walk could get us up on to the moors round here). Only got a small back yard so growing is out at the moment and due to work I've not got time for an allotment (had to give up the last one) as I work 33 miles away from home and we also have a very young daughter .

At the moment money is tight (OH not been working but got a job starting soon) so we'll be slowly building up food stock mainly for helping out if either of us are unemployed again. Saying that when cash allows I'll be looking into kit for more extreme situations.


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