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Inflation and Benefits
20 November 2011, 19:46,
RE: Inflation and Benefits

The system is working. It is just that it is not set up to do what you or I think it should be doing.

The government set it up to benefit them with voters. We actually think it is for people who need help. That is our mistake.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin
20 November 2011, 20:44,
RE: Inflation and Benefits
Cant disagree with that sentiment SD, not even one iota.

21 November 2011, 12:53,
RE: Inflation and Benefits
This was just my point NR, in the past we had a system where you had to pay into it first in the way of taxes and n.i. before you got anything out in the way of benefits, but that system has been abused by poiliticians to buy votes, the Labour govt knew it couldn't rely on the working class anymore( cos they'd lied to them so much) so they bought in thousands of immigrants, gave them council houses or private houses and paid the rents for them, and gave them benefits from day 1( although they'd never paid 1 Penny into the system) just to buy their votes!!!
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
21 November 2011, 15:04, (This post was last modified: 21 November 2011, 15:15 by mikebratcher69.)
RE: Inflation and Benefits
As far as it goes for me. I hate working 40 or more hours a week, trying to earn money for my family only to have a shit load of it taken off me in tax, etc.
yes I payed for myself as I'm now out of work, but it doesn't help the pitance you get or the fact british bosses thing they own your soul and when you stand up to them and tell them where to go thats you down the road, then you get penalised for losing your job and get less benefits... great when youve got mothes to feed, so the next job you shut up they take advantage you work longer hours, never hardley seeing your family etc working great in england...
I know what the governments after, its the young uns on the estates who never worked and just sit around all day smoking weed.
Thats great, very nobal of you but they punish everone, a lot of people despise people out of work, why I used to work 40 plus hours and after tax, bills etc I probably was left with less than £50 quid to my name...They tell you work for the pride of having a job, wow, whos the fool me working 40 hours for basicaly £50 quid in my hand or the young uns seeing that and going naw, in not a mug I can sit on my arse all day and get more than that. Yes the dole culture is entrenched for the young uns, we've only got our nanny state to blame, but dont label or punish everbody and put them in the same boat as a young weed head, theres lot of decent hard working people on the dole, bringing up a family the right way with morals and law abiding isnt that easy in this day and age with all kids are exposed to. The worlds a different place than it was when we were young, I used to leave a job one day and walk into another the next, you cant do that now, theres hundreds applying for the same job if not more, there arent the same job opportunities anymore, employers are bastards, if youve got a good job count yourself lucky, theres nothing I'd like more than to support my family money wise, but I cant right now. Dont make the mistake of writting us all off.
"Some say the end is near, some say we will see Armageddon soon...
I certainly hope we will, I sure could use a vacation from this silly shit."
21 November 2011, 16:00,
RE: Inflation and Benefits
yep, you've said a mouthful Mike, i do hate all the "Benefits bashing" that goes on in our gutter press, not every one on the dole is a benefits cheat, there just arent the jobs anymore and what there is is paid at minimum wage and is most likely part time. some politician on the "daily politics" show said they were providing jobs for 100, 000 young people, yes but what about the other 900, 000, there are 1Million young unemployed?
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
21 November 2011, 16:48,
RE: Inflation and Benefits
I dont think we will ever see full time employment again in the UK, we let our manufacting base get moved to China or Eastern Europe. I can see two distinct and seperate societys and economys developing in parallel as time goes by.

21 November 2011, 16:52,
RE: Inflation and Benefits
yes, NR, but they still keep bringing in the immigrants, cos they say we need their skills, which will put more British people onto the unemployment register, 2 societies is right- the haves and the have nots!!!
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
21 November 2011, 17:04,
RE: Inflation and Benefits
(21 November 2011, 16:52)bigpaul Wrote: yes, NR, but they still keep bringing in the immigrants, cos they say we need their skills, which will put more British people onto the unemployment register, 2 societies is right- the haves and the have nots!!!

S'not my fault mate, blaim anyone who ever voted Labour in the first and Conservative in the second, Labour has admitted trying to alter the voting patterns in many citys by importing huge numbers of migrants, and the tories love to keep wages down by having loads of foreigners who will work for the minimum wage and live in a caravan to do it, and never ever forget the massive destructive influences that trade unions have wreaked on the UK over the last 40 years.

But Sir, We can debate the faults of why our nation, economy and society is falling apart til the cows come home but we can not change the outcome. All we can do is prepare to be as self reliant as possible and to make sure you have no socialists in your survival group.Smile

21 November 2011, 17:48,
RE: Inflation and Benefits
dont call me Sir, NR, its me BP! and there are no socialists in my group, its just me and OH!
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
21 November 2011, 18:00, (This post was last modified: 21 November 2011, 18:03 by mikebratcher69.)
RE: Inflation and Benefits
Thats the trouble, the more people that come in and work for a pittance the worse it is, the employers then expect you to do the same, I hear there after abolishing the minimum wage too, wont that be fantastic...
We can all work for a pound an hour, doff our hats to the boss and say cheers guv, like the good old days, where the men where that poor they eat the pig fat grease from the mining machines, maybe we should all remember our place at our masters feet, and if we speak our mind we get a damn good thrashing.
I should think they rue the day they let us learn to read and write, damn poor people messing the place up, how very dare we.
"Some say the end is near, some say we will see Armageddon soon...
I certainly hope we will, I sure could use a vacation from this silly shit."

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