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'US warns Iran: Accede or be attacked'
14 March 2012, 16:57,
'US warns Iran: Accede or be attacked'

The United States asked Russia to send Iran a message that the upcoming round of nuclear talks is its last chance to avoid a military confrontation this year, Russian newspaper Kommersant reported Wednesday according to a diplomatic source.

The unusually stark warning by the US was passed on by Secretary of State Hilary Clinton to her Russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov, after the two met in New York on Monday, the diplomatic source told the Russian newspaper.
"Some say the end is near, some say we will see Armageddon soon...
I certainly hope we will, I sure could use a vacation from this silly shit."
14 March 2012, 17:40,
RE: 'US warns Iran: Accede or be attacked'
Like I believe this. The only paper that seems to be running the story is..... Jerusalem Post. Pot stirring methinks.

Sailing away, not close to the wind.Heart
14 March 2012, 17:46,
RE: 'US warns Iran: Accede or be attacked'
Its all pretty much crap.
If obama could get away with it he would and if Iran could nuke washington they would...
I feel like moving to a different planet.....
Pretty sick of being on earth right now if there was a one way mars mission I'd volunteer...
Humans they never seem to learn....
"Some say the end is near, some say we will see Armageddon soon...
I certainly hope we will, I sure could use a vacation from this silly shit."
14 March 2012, 18:05,
RE: 'US warns Iran: Accede or be attacked'
Read a good article yesterday
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin
14 March 2012, 18:14,
RE: 'US warns Iran: Accede or be attacked'
(14 March 2012, 17:46)mikebratcher69 Wrote: Its all pretty much crap.
If obama could get away with it he would and if Iran could nuke washington they would...
I feel like moving to a different planet.....
Pretty sick of being on earth right now if there was a one way mars mission I'd volunteer...
Humans they never seem to learn....

can i come with Big Grin
just read alas Babylon ,so im going to get more salt!!!!
14 March 2012, 18:17,
RE: 'US warns Iran: Accede or be attacked'
I'd be happier if Iran, American, Israel and the south east of England got converted into radioactive glass.

14 March 2012, 21:25, (This post was last modified: 14 March 2012, 21:58 by mikebratcher69.)
RE: 'US warns Iran: Accede or be attacked'
Lets all write to NASA and volunteer...we seen the type to cope sod it lets build our ow space ship, come on were preppers we can do it damn it.!!!!
Re The View from a Broken Bridge...
Indeed an interesting article.
It seems to me no matter how many people look or listen at/to the same event or place or thing, that the people that looked will all have a different opinion about what they saw or witnessed or heard.
Sometimes this can be a good thing, bringing about different ideas, discussions and thoughts, yet other times a bad thing as people can't seem to be tollerant of others views or beliefs and just leave it there. Will humans ever be able to do this or are we doomed to repeat history forever, forever fighting and bickering about whose gods the best or which footbal teams the best?
we all do it to one extent or another, we rip chavs and sheeple, no doubt sheeple rip us and chavs... well what can we say about chavs?
It seems to be ingrained in human nature not to be forgiving to certain people, tribes or cultures. I dunno myself I myself have trouble dealing with humans, I feel outside of the human bubble, different somehow but the same, I believe in fate, karma what goes around comes around that kind of thing. I'm not religious in anyway even though I was brought up a roman catholic. If I have a drink, I give some back to the earth, I give pennies back to the earth, If I eat meat I sometimes think of the animal that gave it, perhaps thats because I worked in a slaughter house? I think as a human I feel lost, not belonging, I'm a dad, a husband, a son, a prepper, maybe a grandad one day who knows, but after that "I dunno"
"Some say the end is near, some say we will see Armageddon soon...
I certainly hope we will, I sure could use a vacation from this silly shit."

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