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Brit journos now ask US preppers for UK contacts
30 March 2012, 09:04,
Brit journos now ask US preppers for UK contacts
Hardy Har Har Har the British media is getting so desperate for contact with British preppers they are now contacting the American forums and Blogs looking for many of my friends in the US to put them in touch with British preppers

On Thu, Mar 29, 2012 at 9:57 AM, Joe Fowler <> wrote:

I write to you as an assistant producer for a television production company in the UK called Bullseye TV, known for producing a series of thoughtful, one-off documentaries for National Geographic, The History Channel and the Travel Channel.

We have recently been commissioned by National Geographic UK to make a sixty-minute observational documentary, looking at both the survivalist and the prepping movements across the UK. The documentary will in no way seek to sensationalise either movement, but will be more an examination of the growth in the movement and why it has become much more popular in recent years. Ideally we want to feature as wide a range of survivalists and preppers as possible to show a truthful representation of the UK scene.
Having looked at your website and the various pages associated with it, I would really appreciate it if you would consider posting an advert or ‘shout out’ on the site for me. As I say, we are keen to speak to as broad a range of preppers as possible and I believe that the people interested in your sites would provide a different side of the story.
Do let me know whether this is going to be possible and I can always send you over a copy of the advert that we've been sending out for you to have a look at.

I look forward to hearing from you.
Kind regards,

Joe Fowler| Assistant Producer
Bullseye Productions | Network House | 1 Ariel Way | London | W12 7SL
t. +44 (0)20 3189 3303| f. +44 (0)20 3189 3303 | |

30 March 2012, 09:08,
RE: Brit journos now ask US preppers for UK contacts
Aww, they're still trying.

Best of luck to them. It seems the UK Prepper is much smarter than the average bear.
Dissent is the highest form of Patriotism - Thomas Jefferson
Those who sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither - Benjamin Franklin
30 March 2012, 09:16,
RE: Brit journos now ask US preppers for UK contacts
The media are slow learners and I actually fear that because of the hard work we are making them do that they will crucify us on film when they do make a show.

30 March 2012, 09:32,
RE: Brit journos now ask US preppers for UK contacts
(30 March 2012, 09:16)NorthernRaider Wrote: The media are slow learners and I actually fear that because of the hard work we are making them do that they will crucify us on film when they do make a show.

I was speaking to Naomi saying people wouldn't open up. We got talking and she asked to meet up. When she found out I didn't have a bunker or many years of food etc, she seemed less interested. That's cool, because I was unsure about the whole thing anyway.

The preppers she was talking to have mostly backed out. It seems they're not keen on the media, especially when there is NOTHING in it for them. It was unpaid and they'd only cover loss of earnings. Screw that, give me £10k and we'll start talking again haha.
Dissent is the highest form of Patriotism - Thomas Jefferson
Those who sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither - Benjamin Franklin
30 March 2012, 09:44,
RE: Brit journos now ask US preppers for UK contacts
I'm fairly sure they want to ridicule and humiliate us they way the US Nat Geo production team destroyed the credability of the American community, UK TV is no different to US TV its all low brow Trisha, Gypsey fat Wedding, Which talentless twit can get the most votes for singing Witney Houstons songs, which London fat chavvy cow has the most illegitimate offspring to the most absent father type of crap.

They are not there to get the message out about common sense preparedness, that does not make for good TV rating and subsequent advertising revenue, Its about shock horror humilate the victim TV.

30 March 2012, 10:01,
RE: Brit journos now ask US preppers for UK contacts
makes sense they'd go to the US forums if they're looking for cannon fodder. I look forward to seeing a program on preparedness from the UK point of view, I picked up a couple of good tips from the US series. I just hope no-one gets hurt by said show.

The thing is that even though the people like this Joe and Naomi (who we've heard from before) may have the best of intentions, may ask thoughtful questions and may wish to make a program that hurts those interviewed as little as possible what the editing process sends out will likely be a very different show.

Plus there will always be people out there unwary of the media who are just starting as preppers and have taken the American model of getting a decent weapon then making a bug out bag to 'live off the land' with and then buying more ammo for their weapon of choice.
Do not rush to meet Death, he may not wish to see you.
30 March 2012, 10:08,
RE: Brit journos now ask US preppers for UK contacts
PF " Best of intentions" always end up on the cutting room floor, normally replaced with "malicous life destroying humiliation"

30 March 2012, 10:54, (This post was last modified: 30 March 2012, 11:00 by mikebratcher69.)
RE: Brit journos now ask US preppers for UK contacts
From their website they SEEM to be less sesationalistic than say doomsday preppers, BUT with plod gathering intel, AND us being classed as right wing I opt for carefully does it. AND with the papers calling people that stocked up on fuel "horders" I tend to think I wouldnt want my pic blasted all over t.v. for all to see, neighbours, plod, etc... NOT THAT I'M DOING ANYTHING ILLEGAL BEFORE YOU ASK, I just wouldnt want my "hoard" retrieved and re distributed to the oiks that havent been bothered to get prepared.
"Some say the end is near, some say we will see Armageddon soon...
I certainly hope we will, I sure could use a vacation from this silly shit."
30 March 2012, 14:59,
RE: Brit journos now ask US preppers for UK contacts

I'm a long standing member of a US forum, and they've been trying it on for years. Amy Reuse and that Naomi woman have been on several times. They go all quiet when a fee for appearance on the show is mentioned. Apparently there is no money in being ridiculed. No money, no showee.

Sailing away, not close to the wind.Heart
30 March 2012, 15:12,
RE: Brit journos now ask US preppers for UK contacts
I agree! they just want to make us look like a bunch of nut nuts or they would be interested under ground bunker or not and even if they offered money I still wouldn't do it.

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