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Inflation and Benefits
20 November 2011, 02:02,
Inflation and Benefits
If this doesn't belong here please move ! I heard on the radio news that the government is planning to stop all benefits rising in line with inflation and link it to a lower rate. This includes Child Benefits Tax credit etc....with only pensions being exempt. This will put a lot of pressure on families trying to prepare or jus stock up.
20 November 2011, 10:25,
RE: Inflation and Benefits
It would be better if they cut benefits so they could cut taxation and fuel duty and get employment rising again which would help take more people off welfare.

In our house our taxes come to over 41% of our pay when you add Income Tax and NI together, that money would be much better off back in our pockets and not wasted on benefit claiments.

Daily Mail reported yesterday that welfare payments were going up by 4%, which is more than most workers pay is rising, that is simply wrong. The welfare state should be scrapped.

20 November 2011, 10:47,
RE: Inflation and Benefits
you've got to realise these days that ALL taxes go into a general pot. gone are the days when your car tax went on mending the roads or even your national insurance went to fund pensions and benefits, it ALL goes into the Treasury and gets paid out to whatever the govt wants to spend the money on. as for scrapping Welfare, this has been around since the year i was born and if you scrap it you have to replace it with something else, say a personal insurance scheme-self contributing, you pay into it when your working and draw off it when your unemployed or sick, that way EVERYONE has too work for at least part of their life and you wont get these families who have never worked.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
20 November 2011, 10:58,
RE: Inflation and Benefits

It is too late for that. Many, like myself, are now on benefits and cannot get out of the trap. For decades I had money taken from me against my will and was told that when I needed it I would be helped. They calculate the minimum and then takemoney from that.How does that work? I would be happy if they gave me my taxes back for the last few years. The goverment is making insurers pay fro false representation decades ago but they do it all the time.

When in a hole stop digging. A wise rule. Our government JCBs are still running 24/7/256 digging holes.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin
20 November 2011, 16:02,
RE: Inflation and Benefits
SD I'll wager that you are in that position through no fault of your own though, but millions CHOOSE to never work, huge numbers choose just to have babies and get free houses and free money, then for example students who think ordinary tax payers should fund their trip through university because they say it will improve their chances of getting a good well paying job. If the state would buy me a brand new panel van I would also nbe able to get a much better job as well.

I've never ever objected to a system where people who put in get paid out to in a time of need. But from Chavs, hundreds of thousands of young females, nearly a million immigrants, hundreds of thousands of students, released prisoners, drug addicts, etc etc all all demanding society keeps them but they never have nor ever will pay into the system.

Only this morning a bunch of idiot Bishops are saying its wrong for families on benefits to be limited to ONLY £500 Per week !!!!!!, Sh1t we only have £400 Pw coming into our house and we get NO benefits.

If we are to have a fair welfare system the only people who can claim from it must have contributed towards it for at least 5 years before they can claim.

20 November 2011, 16:19,
RE: Inflation and Benefits
(20 November 2011, 16:02)NorthernRaider Wrote: If we are to have a fair welfare system the only people who can claim from it must have contributed towards it for at least 5 years before they can claim.
in the past, we had a system where your benefits depended on how many national insurance stamps you had paid in the last 2 tax years, this was in 1991, now we have a system where you get benefit even if you've never paid in, heck we've got immigrants coming into the country and getting benefits from day 1! no wonder the welfare state is in such a mess.

Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
20 November 2011, 17:45,
RE: Inflation and Benefits
(20 November 2011, 10:25)NorthernRaider Wrote: It would be better if they cut benefits so they could cut taxation and fuel duty and get employment rising again which would help take more people off welfare.

In our house our taxes come to over 41% of our pay when you add Income Tax and NI together, that money would be much better off back in our pockets and not wasted on benefit claiments.

Daily Mail reported yesterday that welfare payments were going up by 4%, which is more than most workers pay is rising, that is simply wrong. The welfare state should be scrapped.
It's not just people on welfare it will affect Working Tax Credit that people on low incomes are entitled to.
20 November 2011, 17:58,
RE: Inflation and Benefits
Why should benefits go up by 5% when my weekly wage has gone up by just 2% total in the last two years.

Who exactly is meant to give claiments the extra money ? me ?

And no I dont receive any benefits/tax credits, but I am sick of paying out ever more for everyone else who does

And capping benefits at £500 a week ? the poor loves, how will they cope ?
20 November 2011, 18:06,
RE: Inflation and Benefits
Sometimes things happen that you can't avoid like suddenly becoming guardian to three children when you are living frugally on a part time single wage Im glad of working tax credit as my wage doesnt even cover the school uniform
20 November 2011, 18:10,
RE: Inflation and Benefits
i think 4% increase was mentioned, and the only people who pay it are the govt, anyone working pays into general taxation( as i've already said). i think the single persons weekly benefit is about £65 so do the sums the increase will be about £2-60pw it wont even buy a jar of coffee-well just about. what we need to stop is the people on benefits breeding, having more kids and getting extra benefit that way. also we need to stop young girls getting pregnant so they get a council flat, well stop the council flat bit anyway if they get pregnant thats their problem, nothing to do with the state.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.

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