27 November 2011, 11:03,
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Food banks.
on the news this morning and in the Sunday papers, apparently 100,000 British people are now so skint that they can't feed themselves, they are going to food banks and even eating roadkill. they even say Rickets is making a come back as people arent eating properly.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
27 November 2011, 11:16,
prepper operator
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RE: Food banks.
Up here they keep find dead pensioners who had to choose tween eating and heating, same time as a group of asylum seekers were given celphones and a car to share.
27 November 2011, 11:20,
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RE: Food banks.
never had foodbanks when i was on the dole, we had to all fend for ourselves, i did get 1 tin of minced meat courtesy of the EU( something to do with the food mountain or summat) but thats it.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
27 November 2011, 18:51,
Skean Dhude
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RE: Food banks.
Times are a changing. Thats why I say it will all blow up next year.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin
27 November 2011, 19:06,
Kenneth Eames
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RE: Food banks.
Its certain that times are changing and next year will be the year that more poor people will be starving. I think that my wife and I will have to break into the prepps. Thank God we have them. I really think that the financial situation will steadily worsen and many will suffer malnutrition and other maladies. If we have a bad winter many older people will die of the cold and young children as well. I'm begining to sound like John Laurie "We're all doomed" (Dads Army). Kenneth Eames.
27 November 2011, 19:08,
prepper operator
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RE: Food banks.
I've never been a suporter of the concept of a collapse etc "blowing up" I more in favour of the insidious creeping cancer overwhelming a society. Historically most societies are destroyed from within, they get decadent, civilised, soft and liberal, accepted morals and values get eroded away over a period of years. Once over a certain type of crime would horrify a society but after its happened time after time after time the society accepts it as a normal part of life.
Our society was beased on set values, principles, values and laws, and it was those constituants that made Britain a great nation and a super power. But since the post war era our society has been in a long slow terminal decline. Now people expect gangs to rule the city streets at night, they know the policce will be generally inneffective and more interested in protecting the establishment rather than the community. 40 years ago if an adult got an under 16 pregnant both were vilified and he went to prison, today they get hot and cold running social workers, free house, money, etc.
When my wife started nursing in the 70s if Matron or Nurse in charge found dirt the staff got fined, if she found dirty toilets or used dressings or unwashed and unfed patients nurses got sacked. These days we accept filthy hospitals where hot bedding in normal and we talk as though we now expect our lo9ved ones to get Cdif or MRSA.
I feel our society will go out with a whimper rather than a bang, and that is what our political masters are hoping for. A slow steady decline and failing in our societys infrastructure will hoodwink most sheeple long enough until its to late. By then the elite will be living in their gated secure communities with police officers protecting them. The preppers will be in small communities and the big cities will be left to rot.
27 November 2011, 23:40,
grumpy old man
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RE: Food banks.
it's funny that most people thing that next year will be worse BLOW UP and next year is 2012
but i think NR has it things will just tighten up till it's too late to change it how much do police people cost these days :.)
to win the war, you must be willing to die
28 November 2011, 12:46,
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RE: Food banks.
I know NR is right, i have seen it over the years what once was a crime is now accepted as normal, as morals and attitudes change for the worst. when i was growing up in the 60's getting pregnant outside marriage was the lowest a person could get, now its just normal, there are loads of single mothers on this estate, they are the ones getting the council houses, if your a single bloke without a child you are just laughed at by the council and told to rent in the private sector-which usually means a bedsit. i saw a news report on the local news this morning about the local foodbank, and who was picking up the free food? a female "lumpent" of course! the brats in the next street "roar"(and i mean that literally) up and down, one of them is the local "glass breaker" and he's not even 5 yet! and the rest of them are nearly as bad, i wouldn't trust them as far as i could throw them! when we lived in Somerset there were kids trying to set fire to the bus shelter, weeing in other peoples gardens and generally making a nuisance of themselves, i know of at least 4 people who were harrased so much they moved out. we are all in for it when all these kids turn into adults, they wont know right from wrong, their parents dont care, if you say anything you get "What's it to you?".
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
28 November 2011, 12:53,
(This post was last modified: 28 November 2011, 13:08 by NorthernRaider.)
prepper operator
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RE: Food banks.
When I was 15 I got arrested for drinking a pint of beeer under age, for that sin I was taken to court and prosecuted, and told in no uncertain terms that I should think about joining the army cos the just was considering remanding me. My friend got 6 months for smashing a windscreen on a boken down bus. Now you can riot, loot and burn shops down and the police stand and watch.
If you lot step back and look at the overall picture of how British and European society is heading you can see the ruling elite of big business, senior socialists, burocrats and the law enforcement agencies are slowly and steadily insulating themselves from main stream society at the same time as they gradually distance themselves from society as well. EG MP Stuart Bell MP for Middlesbrough, he has not held a war surgery for his electorate for 14 years, he says there is no need!!!!!
Look how the govt via the ologists, benefits agencies, employment groups, housing agencies etc etc are constantly encouraging the sheeple to move into cities " Better job prospects, Better Housing, Better Policing, Better Public Services etc etc" all set up to persuade the masses to become ghettoised as its much easier for the PTB to control the people by having total control of the power, fuel, food, housing, jobs, healthcare etc. Then look and ask yourself " Why did they ban the private ownership of legally held guns, when legally held guns were only ever used in less than 1% of all gun related crime?" Why because an unarmed population is a compliant population.
City dwellers the govt can flouridate your water, they can control what your kids eat at school, they can control what foods you get in the shops, they have you totally by the bollaux !! They can and do monitor your phones and E mails, Labour wants the right to lock you up for 90 days without access to a lawyer or being charged. If you dont control your kids the way the states social workers want they can take your kids away from you. They can cut your benefits if you dont comply, they can evict you if you dont comply, they can tuirn off the services to entire estates if they get rowdy.
Guys its not just Armageddon or TEOTWAWKI your planning for, its you sleep walking into a totalitarian state as well. Meanwhile the Ologists, Senior burocrats, ruling elite, senior trade unionists, big businessmen, and those in control are all moving to nice rural gated secure communities or rural estates where once the sheeple have been shifted into the cities they can live like gods.
City dwellers are like turkeys voting for Christmas.
28 November 2011, 15:53,
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RE: Food banks.
MP's do NOT live in the real world, the majority come straight out of university and into politics, first as some MP's researcher and then they get elected themselves. most of them have never had a job in the real world and dont even know the meaning of hard work. they live in either gated communities or some up market area alongside footballers and pop stars. they have no idea how the rest of us live and whats more they dont care. they are in it for the cash and the kudos and the big fat pension and golden handshake .
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.