Hi all
Very interesting forum. I hope I can give some good ideas and feedback and learn from others experiences.
Age 36 Male
Brief Background: Well now in advanced years I have retired the superbikes and clock up many miles commuting on my Harley Davidson WG, which I love. I enjoy reading fiction, military history and on the odd occassion even comics. I enjoy running and gym for fitness, less bodybuilding type stuff now, more training with own body weight. For kicks I like skydiving and skiing.
I have done formal survival training etc as well as a lot of free camping. Quite a good shot with the long rifle, shot at competition level but never won anythin

so not that good

Do a bit of clay shooting now, but hoping to start practical shotgun next year if I have time/work allows.
What brought me here? Always been taught to be prepare and I cant help feeling things are not getting any better out there. I am a practical Bug In type of guy with no illusions of the fantasy of living in the hills. My SHTF scenario is economic collapse bringing low/mid level strife or worst case a Virus pandemic.
Best Regards