11 December 2011, 16:33,
(This post was last modified: 11 December 2011, 16:37 by mikebratcher69.)
Qua Est Mike
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WTF going on ???
What about whats going on in the U.S. if even only partialy true,our government would be fools to ignore us as a nation.
I mean how would joe public over here react to marshal law in the U.S.?
I presume they (sheeple) wouldnt even bother as long as emerdale corrie and eastenders is still on etc.
I presume it'd be instigated over here as well just to be on the safe side.
even though the U.K. riots wernt that bad on the scale of things, I think they definetly put the wind up the bosses....
Theres rumours of a false flag attack somewhere in 2012...Hmmmm Apparently in the U.S. there are compounds full of russian tanks and trucks already, widely reported on the tinternet.
Just on the surface that seems strange, as do the fema internment camps, run by serbian troops., and other non domestic troops.
theres rumours of chinese troops there also, WTF is going on ? Apart from the odd strange big apearence of police on our streets, which you can usually atribute to a threat of a terrorist attack or an escaped convict etc.. the U.K. seems unusualy quiet and "not Bovered"
Why havnt we got any camps? I suspect because most industrial areas can be quickly reinforced with razor wire etc as they mostly already have high fencing etc. A prime example near us is a new "office type retail" zone, a huge and I mean huge area police station x2, 4 roads in all quickly blockable surrounded by high fencing and "waste ground" also fenced, with a major rail link running through it.
we also have two resident black helicoptors one a soviet mig and a chinnook which reglarly overfly the area.
The more answers I try and find, the more questions I have.
I have my preps, I more or less have a plan of action formulated, but I try and remain fluid in that regard because we just dont know whats going on.
We as preppers are paranoid about being rounded up come shtf, will we be? will we be wanted as leader for the sheeple to take pressure off the government? I'm trying to find out what our government thinks of preppers without exposing my head over the parapet... any ideas? any body know anything?[/size]
give me answers damnitt!!!
By the way Big Paul thats you in my avatar!!!
"Some say the end is near, some say we will see Armageddon soon...
I certainly hope we will, I sure could use a vacation from this silly shit."
11 December 2011, 17:35,
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RE: WTF going on ???
i think everything that happens in the US comes over here eventually, i dont think the British govt has an evacuation/emergency plan as such, as usual they will make it up as they go along. i have been able to find out about emergency shelters in my area but they are just a college or a little chef or community centres, that sort of thing. living in a rural area does have its positive side, they will obviously start with the cities first as that is where most people live, so people like me will be able to see it coming and act accordingly. mike, thanks for the remark about the avatar, but i think a more accurate avatar for me, personally, would be Chewbacca from Starwars!!
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
11 December 2011, 19:45,
Skean Dhude
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RE: WTF going on ???
Just treat that as another event and prepare accordingly. Be quick to move if your trigger point is met and good luck. I wouldn't put anything past them now.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin
11 December 2011, 21:33,
(This post was last modified: 11 December 2011, 21:38 by Prep Girl.)
Prep Girl
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RE: WTF going on ???
We have plans in place for a major event you can be sure! I will try find the old documentary, I think it was called the secret society? it's on you tube, all about the plans that were in place at that time that only ''they'' knew about. I call them TPTB ( the powers that be) way above the Government, who would only be given the details of the plans on a need to know basis, the video will explain it far better then I can, it's interesting stuff, I wonder how the plans have been updated with all we have going on today?
Way I see it is, the UK and likes of is small fry compared to the size and population of the US, millions and millions of Americans running round with guns and us? all we got is a few bad arse gangs, and some well prepared preppers no competition! the whole of UK could kick of at the same time and it would be a drop in the ocean compared to the whole of the US kicking off .
What's going on? wish I knew, could be getting ready for war, maybe an economic collapse is just around the corner, the Sun is behaving badly and it's going to get worse, there's stuff going on in space and some thing's very wrong with our weather system, all round the world in fact, this weather is not normal. some craps going on, they have plans!
It's not secret society, I will find it soon.
12 December 2011, 00:42,
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RE: WTF going on ???
A lot of the rumours emanating from the US seem to be patent nonsense (especially about foreign troops already being in place).
HOWEVER... The following are all readily verifiable developments in the past few weeks:
1. US draft senate bill to enable US military to arrest and detain indefinitely any US citizen anywhere on earth, without charge or trial. Whilst critics of this are aghast at the sheer fascism of it and the affront to the Bill of Rights it presents, many if not most are overlooking the rationale behind its geographical scope, which to me at least clearly portends major global conflict. Why else do they say it applies worldwide?
2. USA agrees with Oz government to create a permanent Marines presence in the far north of Australia. Why? And why now?
3. Canadian PM in Washington DC last week to arrange treaty to permit US military ops across border in Canada. Why? And why now?
4. Russia gets very aggressive in rhetoric about putting its own missile defence on alert, especially in eastern Europe. Why, and why now?
Just looks ominous...
12 December 2011, 06:12,
Kenneth Eames
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RE: WTF going on ???
Are all these things the preperations for the NWO? Will it be that we will all be slaves? All of us oldies could well be put down. We are no use to the state now, we are past it and a drain on the economy. If there are other civilisations in outer space with superior technology, is it possible they might come to the aid of humans? I have no answers to this conundrum, in fact, my brain is now addled with the many things I hear. The only thing I know is that whatever happens I will try to survive. I will do what I can for my family and assist other preppers. I have been thinking of finding derelict buildings which can be used as safe houses for preppers. Kenneth Eames.
12 December 2011, 10:53,
Qua Est Mike
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RE: WTF going on ???
I'm doing the same as we speak looking for derelict buildings, so as to move from one to the other maybe, city survivals harder, my bol's outside the city but I have to be prepared in case I cant get there...
"Some say the end is near, some say we will see Armageddon soon...
I certainly hope we will, I sure could use a vacation from this silly shit."
12 December 2011, 11:24,
prepper operator
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RE: WTF going on ???
(12 December 2011, 10:53)mikebratcher69 Wrote: I'm doing the same as we speak looking for derelict buildings, so as to move from one to the other maybe, city survivals harder, my bol's outside the city but I have to be prepared in case I cant get there...
Have you surveyed your area using both a map and Google earth?, not trying to teach granny to suck eggs of course, but finding suitable hidy holes, safe houses etc is a passion on mine than I feel many of us neglect or only pay lip service to.
EG I recently found out many telephone exchange buildings build after the mid 50s onwards had bunker rooms built into the cellars in order to house the GPO phone engineers during a nuclear war, but of course with the advent of microprocessors they are all long since redundant. Leaving these shelters unused.
If you can get hold of a copy try and read " Beneath the City Streets" by Peter Laurie its loaded with info, and if you look up the website Subterania Brittanica ( much loved by the great survivalist archivist John Locke) its loaded with useful info as well.
12 December 2011, 15:45,
Qua Est Mike
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RE: WTF going on ???
THATS a passion of mine too...Not sucking eggs of course, but google maps, and looking for hidey holes, fantastic pass time. Google maps is great for nosey parkers like me!!
And as for your latter remark about getting hold of a copy of "beneath the streets" I shall certainly try and obtain one and im looking at the Subterania Brittanica site as we speak.
Thanks for the heads up.
"Some say the end is near, some say we will see Armageddon soon...
I certainly hope we will, I sure could use a vacation from this silly shit."
12 December 2011, 16:43,
(This post was last modified: 12 December 2011, 16:45 by NorthernRaider.)
prepper operator
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RE: WTF going on ???
You may also find WARPLAN UK by Duncan Campbell useful as well
BTW Can I offer you this for your delectation