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A&E units to close.
28 October 2012, 10:02,
A&E units to close.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
28 October 2012, 17:58,
RE: A&E units to close.
well we know where we stand bp .... f..ked
28 October 2012, 18:15,
RE: A&E units to close.
My mum had a fall last week and had to wait 30 minutes in the street for an ambulance car to arrive... they thought she broke her hip.... also last week my nabours boy kicked a table with fresh tea on it and covered his back... took 15 minutes for an ambulance to arrive. They both said A & E was packed and waiting times long.
Closure will make it only worse. That money could have been used in such better ways as we all know. In this day and age surely they could have put together and online survey and mailed it to patients at a tenth of the cost...
28 October 2012, 18:31,
RE: A&E units to close.
when i,v gone in to A&E all i see are alot of time wasters pissheads.... and some well deserving people who need attention... this is mostly because people cannot get to see a gp ....and now they want to make cuts to the nhs...............what do you expect
28 October 2012, 18:33,
RE: A&E units to close.
North Tees A & E most weekends from tea time friday onwards is full of drunks, chavs and other scumbags who have drunk themselves senseless, or poisoned themselves with crap, My friend Christine is a senior nurse running TWO admission wards and she says 90% of her patients are weeekend party goers who get ratted out of their simple minds. In many cities the medics have been forced to set up tents in city centres to triage drunks and ODs. Thats what the problem is. All the drunks, crack heads and other untermensch should be left in the gutter where they belong.

The rest of the patients are tossers who wont wait to se a GP cos they missed a period, caught a cold etc.

The NHS should be privatised or at least the self inflicted assholes should have to pay for all their care with a minimum charge of £500. Druggies should be turned away.

28 October 2012, 18:54,
RE: A&E units to close.
I agree with the most of the last part. There should be a fine/charge for people who come in having done something stupid while drinking or who are just so drunk or drugged up they need help. They should pay £500 a go... you'd soon see people being more sesible with their drinking or just not clogging up the hospitals.
28 October 2012, 19:34, (This post was last modified: 28 October 2012, 19:44 by Pagan-Mist.)
RE: A&E units to close.
It makes me laugh a bunch of pen pushers making decisions they have no idea about being paid to bring in consultants to tell them how to save money basically over peoples lives.
Drug addicts (illegal drugs) know heroin etc is illegal yet still take it and were expected to foot the bill for their overdoses, detox and rehab for the majority to go back out and start again after their given flats and grants up to
Sorry lost half the reply.
Grants of 1500 quid. Get matrons back and sack the pen pushers
True heroes don't wear football shirts, they wear dog tags.
28 October 2012, 19:48,
RE: A&E units to close.
In 1994 when my wife took up her current role she had two bosses, by 2008 she guestimated she had over eleven !!!

28 October 2012, 22:20,
RE: A&E units to close.
last time I had to be taken to hospital (april 11) I had to wait 2 hours for an ambulance and had to wait 6 hours to see a doctor. It just seems to be the way things are done now. And no I wasn't drunk!
Do not rush to meet Death, he may not wish to see you.
28 October 2012, 22:27, (This post was last modified: 28 October 2012, 22:42 by NorthernRaider.)
RE: A&E units to close.
(28 October 2012, 22:20)preservefreak Wrote: last time I had to be taken to hospital (april 11) I had to wait 2 hours for an ambulance and had to wait 6 hours to see a doctor. It just seems to be the way things are done now. And no I wasn't drunk!

Aha so you were stoned then? Smile
When my lad tore his bottom lip off at school aged 9 , twas hanging on by about 1/2 inch of tissue, not only did the fucking school not do ant first aid other than give a concussed and bleeding child a paper towel ( after refusing him entry back into the classroom and making him walk all the way round the school) But they also did not call an ambulance, another parent who could see him through the window in a pool of his own blood did phone for one, but by then I was there and took him directly to hospital.

He had lost about a pint of blood by them , was white, in pain and in shock, and the bastards on the desk said A & E was busy and he would have to wait about 4 hours to be seen. I picked up my cellphone, borrowed the receptionists yellow pages and phoned the local TV station. As soon as I explained to the TV station ( loud speaker on so the hospital staff could hear) that whilst they were treating drunks and prisoners they were keeping children with head injuries and major blood loss waiting 4 hours.

MIRACLE of MIRACLES just like magic multiple doctors , nurses and porters appeared from nowhere and whisked my lad off for care, and seconds later a senior hospital administrator arrived to reasure me i did not need to invite the media to get involved.

I complained to the education authority about the two teachers, one retired early the other left the school, The medics were told in no uncertain terms that if they ever again delayed medical care to my children I would guarentee them I would see their careers dragged through the mud and courts and media.

This of course is the same hospital that told my wife her mum who had a heart attack would be coming home that weekend to recover, only to phone back two hours later to tell me she had died !!

The same hospital that gave me diamorphine pain treatment for a back injury even though my notes and myself had told them I am allergic to morphiates!!!

Its the same one that is suppopsed to be dealing with my current injury!!!

Scrap the NHS and privatise it, and make medics individually and personally liable for their screwups.


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