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Deep in 1066
9 November 2012, 18:32,
Thumbs Up  Deep in 1066
Who's local!!!
he never planned to fail, he just failed to plan. like lambs to the slaughter the wolfs look down from the hill tops. we are those wolfs!!!
9 November 2012, 18:46,
RE: Deep in 1066
William the Conqueror?
Dodgy If you always have, on your person, at least 2 ways to make fire, you might be a prepper. Tongue
9 November 2012, 19:07,
RE: Deep in 1066
I think he means Hastings.
Dissent is the highest form of Patriotism - Thomas Jefferson
Those who sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither - Benjamin Franklin
9 November 2012, 19:32, (This post was last modified: 9 November 2012, 19:34 by Prepper1.)
RE: Deep in 1066
I dunno, if he's like scythe....
You know what mma and body builders are like... all spray tan, oiled up etc...
He's always outdoors "exercising"....TongueTongueTongue
I tried to be normal once.... Worst two minutes of my life...
9 November 2012, 19:57, (This post was last modified: 9 November 2012, 19:57 by NorthernRaider.)
RE: Deep in 1066
Lots of dead saxons?
Few million retirees

Even more immigrants

Some bloke looking for arrowheads?

9 November 2012, 20:06,
RE: Deep in 1066
Well the arrow heads might be handy
True heroes don't wear football shirts, they wear dog tags.
10 November 2012, 00:25,
RE: Deep in 1066
Any one got a problem with me or the town i've grown up in? I wanted to know who's local, not who's irrelevant.....
he never planned to fail, he just failed to plan. like lambs to the slaughter the wolfs look down from the hill tops. we are those wolfs!!!
10 November 2012, 09:15,
RE: Deep in 1066
Rolleyes Naaa.... we just got a problem with your cryptic message bro Tongue you should try asking your questions in the normal way, Wink as most of us are not much good at guessing games. Huh
Dodgy If you always have, on your person, at least 2 ways to make fire, you might be a prepper. Tongue
10 November 2012, 11:37,
RE: Deep in 1066
Well I thought his question was pretty cool and I'm not bad at history and hastings ain't too.bad Smile
True heroes don't wear football shirts, they wear dog tags.
10 November 2012, 11:44,
RE: Deep in 1066
i'd be greatful if people would speak english,please. that question was so cryptic i thought he meant the battle.........i thought the actual battle was at a place called funnily enough "Battle" and that Hastings was just where they landed( i once had a girlfriend from Battle....long time ago)Big Grin
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.

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