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Doub.....TRIPLE dip recession
27 November 2012, 12:02,
Doub.....TRIPLE dip recession
Dissent is the highest form of Patriotism - Thomas Jefferson
Those who sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither - Benjamin Franklin
27 November 2012, 12:11,
RE: Doub.....TRIPLE dip recession
The sooner people get used to the idea that we are actually in a depression, stop fighting it and let it take its course, the better. To have any kind of a sustainable society at all, living standards are going to take a massive tumble. The average person will not be buying a new car, going abroad or wasting their time. They NEED to be doing something productive with most of their time - leisure time included. Growing a garden, repairing clothes, picking berries, home brewing and so on so they can maintain, rather than forgoing fruits, wines, beers, nice clothes, decent veg and so on.

People need to get on and look after themselves, rather than basing how they feel on the mathematics of a nation.
27 November 2012, 12:20,
RE: Doub.....TRIPLE dip recession
We're very obviously in a depression.

The use of the word 'depression' will rock the stock market and screw loads of stuff up....which is why nobody has said it yet. But truth be told....we are in a depression.

I'd love to see how people would react if BBC news said we were in a depression. I think it's one of those things TPTB won't allow to be broadcast.

The Great Depression actually only ended around 1995 (if I remember properly, but I'm thinking 1992, although that may have been another market crash I'm getting mixed up) when the stock market (adjusted for inflation) reached previous levels. But then crashed again, a few months later.

We will clearly be in this situation for the next 3-4 years. I personally believe a run on the banks is very likely, and also the price of silver and gold booming through the roof! To be more specific, YES, I believe silver will jump by huge amounts. When I say huge, I believe silver could go as high as $1000 per ounce, where gold is right now. That's not even a joke!!!
Dissent is the highest form of Patriotism - Thomas Jefferson
Those who sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither - Benjamin Franklin
27 November 2012, 12:33,
RE: Doub.....TRIPLE dip recession
(27 November 2012, 12:11)BDG Wrote: The sooner people get used to the idea that we are actually in a depression, stop fighting it and let it take its course, the better. To have any kind of a sustainable society at all, living standards are going to take a massive tumble. The average person will not be buying a new car, going abroad or wasting their time. They NEED to be doing something productive with most of their time - leisure time included. Growing a garden, repairing clothes, picking berries, home brewing and so on so they can maintain, rather than forgoing fruits, wines, beers, nice clothes, decent veg and so on.

People need to get on and look after themselves, rather than basing how they feel on the mathematics of a nation.

Now that I agree with... BUT people find it hard to stomach cuts and make do and mend for themselves, when they see the powers that be not doing the same.

I agree people should try and shift for themselves, though humans are a species of lazy bone idle ne'er do wells most of the time so getting them up and going whilst somebody else is doing the work for them is not likely to happen any time soon.

And when it does they'll only shift far enough to take what they need from somebody else who's trying to better themselves...

It breeds resentment, anger etc...

Not directly but contributing factors in...

These are the things that helped Hitler come to power way back.

These are the things that led to the French revolution.

these are the things that led to the Russian revolution.

Why should pensioners suffer after most having the work ethic and worked their whole lives by having free travel removed?

Isn't that the least they deserve...

No extra heating allowance...

Care pathway when they are ill...

What about the good boys and girls at school seeing the Ars* holes getting treated better than them and taken on trips to "improve" their poor home life...

What about the good person in life that gets punished more when caught for doing wrong because "he should have known better" and the Ars*hole doing the same getting let off or reduced sentences...

Anyway I'm rambling now but this country is in shit state order through no fault of most of its hard working, moral populace.

HOWEVER, We are now being asked to suffer cuts, and save billions in Government spending because they misspent it in the first place.

Should THEY nit have their money cut down to 15,000 a year. with minimal expenses?

I'm sure then you'd see actually how many politicians actually wanted to be in politics "for their country" and not the money.

Parliament would be empty I'm sure.

I tried to be normal once.... Worst two minutes of my life...
27 November 2012, 23:08,
RE: Doub.....TRIPLE dip recession
We're not in a depression, we're at the End Of Growth. This is it for keeps folks, better get used to it. Peak Oil has changed the whole economics of energy production.

In the past, a problem with oil supply (e.g. conflict in a producing region) could be compensated for by turning up the taps elsewhere. Not any longer; there isn't the slack in the system. Most of the "new" oil production, such as shale and deep water, only makes commercial sense if the price is kept high, which naturally puts a lid on economic growth. We have a choice of chronically high prices, or having the taps turned off as companies withdraw from producing the high-risk, expensive stuff or go out of business. Add the burgeoning demand from the new economies such as China, and that puts further upward pressure on energy prices.

Add in the increasingly large proportion of GDP we are going to need to commit to either preventing, or dealing with the effects of, extreme climate events (which is essentially spending resources to stand still), and that further reduces the opportunity for the economy to grow.

Then there's debt of course...

No, this isn't a "double dip", "triple dip", depression or any other form of aberration. This is the new normal.

The question is; how to organise one's life to survive (and hopefully thrive) in it.
Find a resilient place and way to live, then sit back and watch a momentous period in history unfold.
28 November 2012, 00:49,
RE: Doub.....TRIPLE dip recession
I do not think we will see a run on the banks at all, for the simple reason, government has guaranteed deposits to a certain level - £85K. Anyone that has more money than this and has it stored as cash rather than assets is a fool. It is, of course causing cash flow problems - individuals who bankroll businesses need to have a constant supply of assets maturing or the ability to turn them into liquid capital.
28 November 2012, 01:25,
RE: Doub.....TRIPLE dip recession
(28 November 2012, 00:49)BDG Wrote: I do not think we will see a run on the banks at all, for the simple reason, government has guaranteed deposits to a certain level - £85K. Anyone that has more money than this and has it stored as cash rather than assets is a fool. It is, of course causing cash flow problems - individuals who bankroll businesses need to have a constant supply of assets maturing or the ability to turn them into liquid capital.

It's the change from cash to asset that makes me believe there will be a run on the banks. Not because the banks don't have the cash, but because people won't want their value held in cash.
Dissent is the highest form of Patriotism - Thomas Jefferson
Those who sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither - Benjamin Franklin

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