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Hi from MikeAlpha in Surrey
29 November 2012, 10:52,
RE: Hi from MikeAlpha in Surrey
hi and welcome from east lancashire
29 November 2012, 12:32,
RE: Hi from MikeAlpha in Surrey
hello and welcome
29 November 2012, 12:35,
RE: Hi from MikeAlpha in Surrey
hello alpha, wildman here.
he never planned to fail, he just failed to plan. like lambs to the slaughter the wolfs look down from the hill tops. we are those wolfs!!!
29 November 2012, 19:33,
RE: Hi from MikeAlpha in Surrey
Hi there. Welcome.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin
30 November 2012, 07:57,
RE: Hi from MikeAlpha in Surrey
Hello and welcome
Failure is NOT an option
30 November 2012, 22:09,
RE: Hi from MikeAlpha in Surrey
hello and welcome from Sheffield
Do not rush to meet Death, he may not wish to see you.
2 December 2012, 12:24,
RE: Hi from MikeAlpha in Surrey
Hi Guys,

Thanks for the warm welcome.

To try and answer a couple of the questions that have been asked I'll give you a bit of a bio:

I have lived in Surrey for as long as I've been around and am married with 4 kids ranging from 26 down to 4, 1 grand child and up to another 3 on their way...... (2 daughters are "with child" we just don't quite know how many yet, but has one on the way and other "may" have two - don't ask HuhConfused)

I've got many interests and one of them is a "doomsday" scenario and where do we go after that......

I personally think the we are on our way to a "new world order" but not in the way the PTB think we are!!!!!

I believe that there are a couple of possibilities that will cause the "end of civilisation as we know it" or SHTF scenario and they are, in no particular order:

a) Economical/Political collapse
b) Natural disaster (solar flares being high on the list)
c) Revolution caused by a) .........

but it will come.

I am "by trade" an "Ex" IT engineer and have an avid ongoing interest in radio comms and been involved in comms (in an amateur capacity) for some 25 odd years although not "licensed" it never stopped me communicating AngelCool

So as I said, time to take it to the next level Big Grin

Cheers and beers,
2 December 2012, 12:37,
RE: Hi from MikeAlpha in Surrey
Sounds interesting. We have a few hams here and not just the radio enthusiasts.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin
2 December 2012, 13:07,
RE: Hi from MikeAlpha in Surrey
Hi Skean D,

Reading your musings, there are a couple of things there that I could well have written......

I think we are living in interesting times and not for the reasons the "popular press" would have you believe, nuff said Wink

I think that the "tone" of this forum is absolutely on the right track compared with some of the others that are out there, that's not to say they are not valid but I just feel that this one is more "progressive in it's thinking" shall we say Wink

2 December 2012, 13:40,
RE: Hi from MikeAlpha in Surrey
It might be progressive but cannablism does pop up about once a month

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