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URGENT London preppers recce opportunity
3 December 2012, 09:56,
Exclamation  URGENT London preppers recce opportunity
Guys if you live in London you may wish to grab an opportunity to visit this place on one of the organised visits, treating it as a recce trip for possible emmergency temp BO locations. if you coupled this with research from Subterrainia Britanica and used Peter Lauries book Beneath the City Streets you may be able to " tag" some useful hideyholes.

3 December 2012, 10:01,
RE: URGENT London preppers recce opportunity
Wow that's great and rather spooky. I'd love to see this.
3 December 2012, 10:03,
RE: URGENT London preppers recce opportunity
I'd be down their instantly with camera and notebook in hand if I lived in Londonistan, but thats just me , dead nosey and always looking for someplace to bug out to.

3 December 2012, 10:09,
RE: URGENT London preppers recce opportunity
It reminds me of the old tunnels in Plymouth Naval Dockyard, very interesting and mostly abandoned. They also have a train that you only hear moving at night but I have only ever saw about 40 metres of train track and the rest is under ground.
3 December 2012, 12:31,
RE: URGENT London preppers recce opportunity
Just remember that everyone else will already have reserved their spots so don't count on this going smoothly.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin
3 December 2012, 12:36,
RE: URGENT London preppers recce opportunity
Whats to stop the nut jobs erm I mean the London area preppers to organise a private group visit to the system??

3 December 2012, 13:03,
RE: URGENT London preppers recce opportunity
Hello, one of those nut jobs here. NR your right about what said. London is littered with subterrain areas. 15 years ago we excavated in Central and came across a WW2 system of air raid shelters, all inter conected. All sealed up and forgotten about, they even still had metal bunk beds in. There are all numerous celler systems left sealed up after the buildings had been bombed.
3 December 2012, 13:06,
RE: URGENT London preppers recce opportunity
For Londoners membership of Sub Brit is almost the IN thing to do because those chaps are always exploring and archiving underground London.

3 December 2012, 14:17,
RE: URGENT London preppers recce opportunity
Just found out about an old wartime bunker and tunnel about a couple of hundred yards from my home!
Apparently it's connected to a tunnel that leads about 4 miles to the town hall a few miles away. Useful info to know...
As to bugging out into that area of central Londonabad, I intend to keep as far away from it as possible as I am almost on the outskirts but the idea to check out the subterranean areas is great. Will pursue getting that book...
Prepper Kid: when will the sheeple wake up to the reality?
Prepper Parent: When it is too late to begin prepping for it.
3 December 2012, 15:02,
RE: URGENT London preppers recce opportunity
He who has the knowledge has the power.


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