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5 January 2012, 21:15,
Hi folks, I've been lurking here for a while and thought it would be good to introduce myself!

I am new to prepping although, I would say that I have always been a reasonably resourceful sort! I've been building up my stock of food and meds and have communications in place ( although want to add to these) and am now working on fuel and self defence.

I've learned a huge amount already from this excellent site (well done SD), and look forward to finding out more!

Greetings from a wet and windy East Anglia!

Bug_out_Bag Smile
5 January 2012, 21:19,
RE: Hi!
Welcome from sunny Manchester....Big Grin
"Some say the end is near, some say we will see Armageddon soon...
I certainly hope we will, I sure could use a vacation from this silly shit."
5 January 2012, 21:29,
RE: Hi!
(5 January 2012, 21:19)mikebratcher69 Wrote: Welcome from sunny Manchester....Big Grin

Now you're just trying to make me jealous! Wink
5 January 2012, 21:31,
RE: Hi!
well on the moors further out we've got wind too so ha !!Tongue
"Some say the end is near, some say we will see Armageddon soon...
I certainly hope we will, I sure could use a vacation from this silly shit."
5 January 2012, 21:33,
RE: Hi!
(5 January 2012, 21:31)mikebratcher69 Wrote: well on the moors further out we've got wind too so ha !!Tongue

must be that curry you had for tea Mike!Angel
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
5 January 2012, 21:50,
RE: Hi!
Fuunily enough, winds never a problem for me.... I could probably cook with it I've got that much!!!Big Grin
"Some say the end is near, some say we will see Armageddon soon...
I certainly hope we will, I sure could use a vacation from this silly shit."
5 January 2012, 23:05,
RE: Hi!

6 January 2012, 01:27,
RE: Hi!
Hi from windy Essex Smile
6 January 2012, 01:28,
RE: Hi!
hi from cumbria
to win the war, you must be willing to die
6 January 2012, 03:06,
RE: Hi!
Hello from Scotland. I hope you enjoy the site and find the information you seek. Kenneth Eames.

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